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June 13, 2024

How To Measure the Effectiveness of Programmatic DOOH Marketing

How To Measure the Effectiveness of Programmatic DOOH Marketing

In the rapidly evolving ecosystem of digital advertising, Programmatic Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) marketing has emerged as a powerful tool for brands to engage audiences.

But how do you measure its effectiveness?

Here’s a guide to the key methodologies and metrics used in the industry to track and quantify programmatic DOOH performance:

1. Exposed Visitation Rate (EVR)

Exposed Visitation Rate (EVR) is a critical metric that measures the number of people exposed to a digital billboard and their subsequent actions, such as website visits or app downloads. By capturing mobile device data from individuals within the viewable area of the billboard, advertisers can track if these users visit a website or perform another desired action, akin to the click-through rate in digital advertising.

How To Measure OOH Effectiveness Dashboard

2. Mobile Location Data

Mobile location data is essential for observing the movement patterns of target audiences relative to digital boards. This data helps in understanding consumer flow and exposure to ads. By matching this data with other datasets, such as web visitation data, advertisers can measure the impact on key performance indicators (KPIs) like foot traffic and online engagement.

3. Survey-Based Data

Survey-based methods are invaluable for upper-funnel objectives such as brand awareness and purchase intent. Surveys capture data on recall, intent, and brand perception before and after ad exposure. This approach provides qualitative insights into the campaign's impact on audience attitudes and behaviors.

4. Incremental Sales Lift

Measuring incremental sales lift involves comparing sales data from stores or regions with DOOH ads to those without. By establishing control and test groups, advertisers can quantify the sales increase directly attributable to the campaign. This method often leverages frequent shopper card data and other sales metrics to provide concrete evidence of the campaign's effectiveness.

Incremental Sales Lift OOH Attribution

5. Web and App Analytics

Tracking web traffic and app downloads driven by DOOH campaigns is crucial. By placing tracking pixels on the advertiser’s website, it's possible to measure direct and indirect web visits (e.g., users who search for the brand after seeing the ad). This method helps in understanding how DOOH influences online engagement and conversions.

Web and App Measurement with DOOH

6. Brand Lift Studies

Brand lift studies measure the impact of DOOH campaigns on key brand metrics such as awareness, favorability, and purchase intent. These studies typically involve pre- and post-campaign surveys to assess changes in these metrics, offering a comprehensive view of the campaign's effect on brand perception.

7. Dynamic Creative Optimization

Programmatic DOOH allows for dynamic creative changes based on real-time data. Ads can be adjusted according to factors like weather, time of day, or audience demographics. The effectiveness of these changes can be evaluated by comparing performance metrics before and after the adjustments, ensuring optimal campaign performance.

Dynamic Creative Optimization

8. Cost Per Lead (CPL) and Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of a DOOH campaign involves calculating Cost Per Lead (CPL) and Return on Ad Spend (ROAS). This requires tracking the leads generated from the campaign and the revenue attributed to these leads compared to the campaign spend. These financial metrics are essential for determining the campaign's profitability and efficiency.


Measuring the effectiveness of programmatic DOOH advertising involves a combination of advanced metrics and methodologies. From tracking exposed visitation rates and leveraging mobile location data to conducting brand lift studies and dynamic creative optimization, these techniques provide a comprehensive understanding of campaign performance. By employing these methods, advertisers can make data-driven decisions, optimize their campaigns, and achieve a higher return on investment.

Understanding these measurement techniques is crucial for any brand looking to harness the power of programmatic DOOH advertising effectively. With the right metrics in place, the potential for impactful and measurable advertising campaigns is vast.


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