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June 27, 2024

The Definitive Guide to OOH Attribution: Measuring the Effectiveness of Programmatic DOOH Advertising

The Definitive Guide to OOH Attribution: Measuring the Effectiveness of Programmatic DOOH Advertising

Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising has evolved to incorporate digital elements, creating Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) advertising and thus, the programmatic trading of DOOH. This evolution brings enhanced capabilities for engagement, targeting, and measurement. In this definitive guide, we’ll explore what OOH and DOOH are, the differences between them, and delve deeply into how to measure the effectiveness of programmatic DOOH advertising and explain how OOH Attribution works.

What is OOH?

Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising refers to any advertising media found outside of the home. This includes traditional formats such as billboards, transit ads (on buses, trains, etc.), posters, and street furniture (like bus shelters and kiosks). OOH advertising is designed to reach consumers while they are on the go, offering high visibility and broad reach.

Key Characteristics of OOH Advertising

  1. High Visibility: OOH ads are strategically placed in high-traffic areas to maximize exposure.
  2. Broad Reach: These ads reach a diverse audience, making them ideal for brand awareness campaigns.
  3. Static Content: Traditional OOH ads are usually static and non-interactive.
  4. Long-Term Exposure: OOH ads are typically displayed for extended periods, ensuring repeated exposure to the audience.

Examples of OOH Advertising

  • Billboards: Large advertising structures placed along highways and in urban areas.
  • Transit Ads: Advertisements on buses, trains, taxis, and in transit stations.
  • Posters and Flyers: Smaller scale OOH ads placed on walls, windows, and other public surfaces.
  • Street Furniture: Ads on bus shelters, benches, kiosks, and other street-level fixtures.

What is DOOH?

Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) advertising is a subset of OOH that utilizes digital screens to display advertisements. Unlike traditional static billboards, DOOH ads can be dynamic, interactive, and updated in real-time. This format includes digital billboards, interactive kiosks, digital transit displays, and screens in locations like shopping malls, airports, and stadiums.

Key Characteristics of DOOH Advertising

  1. Dynamic Content: DOOH ads can be updated in real-time, allowing for more engaging and relevant content.
  2. Interactivity: Digital screens can incorporate interactive elements, enhancing user engagement.
  3. Flexibility: Content can be changed easily based on time of day, weather, or audience demographics.
  4. Measurability: Digital technology allows for better tracking and measurement of ad performance.

Examples of DOOH Advertising

  • Digital Billboards: Electronic displays along highways and in urban centers that can show multiple ads in rotation.
  • Interactive Kiosks: Touchscreen displays in public spaces like malls and transit stations that allow user interaction.
  • Digital Transit Displays: Screens inside buses, trains, and transit stations displaying dynamic advertisements.
  • Mall and Airport Screens: Large digital screens in shopping centers and airports displaying various ads.

What is Programmatic DOOH?

Programmatic DOOH refers to the automated buying, selling, and delivery of digital out-of-home advertising through a technology-driven process. This approach leverages data and software to purchase digital billboard space in real-time, similar to online programmatic advertising. Programmatic DOOH enables advertisers to target specific audiences, optimize campaign performance, and measure the impact of their ads more accurately.

Key Characteristics of Programmatic DOOH Advertising

  1. Real-Time Bidding: Ads are bought and sold in real-time through automated platforms.
  2. Data-Driven Targeting: Uses audience data to target specific demographics and behaviors.
  3. Optimized Performance: Campaigns can be adjusted on the fly based on performance data.
  4. Comprehensive Measurement: Advanced metrics and methodologies are used to track and measure ad effectiveness.

Benefits of Programmatic DOOH

  • Efficiency: Automated processes reduce the time and effort required to manage campaigns.
  • Precision: Data-driven targeting ensures ads reach the most relevant audiences.
  • Flexibility: Real-time adjustments allow for dynamic campaign optimization.
  • Scalability: Programmatic platforms can manage campaigns across multiple locations and screens simultaneously.

Measuring the Effectiveness of Programmatic DOOH Advertising

Measuring the effectiveness of programmatic DOOH advertising involves various methodologies and metrics that can be used to quantify results. Here are some of the key methods and metrics used in the industry:

1. Exposed Visitation Rate (EVR)

Exposed Visitation Rate (EVR) is a critical metric that measures the number of people exposed to a digital billboard and their subsequent actions, such as website visits or app downloads. By capturing mobile device data from individuals within the viewable area of the billboard, advertisers can track if these users visit a website or perform another desired action, akin to the click-through rate in digital advertising.

How to Measure EVR:

  • Mobile Device Tracking: Capture mobile device IDs within the viewable area of the digital billboard.
  • Web Analytics Integration: Integrate tracking pixels on the advertiser’s website to match the captured device IDs with web visits.
  • Data Analysis: Analyze the data to determine the percentage of exposed individuals who visit the website or perform the desired action.

2. Mobile Location Data

Mobile location data is essential for observing the movement patterns of target audiences relative to digital boards. This data helps in understanding consumer flow and exposure to ads. By matching this data with other datasets, such as web visitation data, advertisers can measure the impact on key performance indicators (KPIs) like foot traffic and online engagement.

How to Use Mobile Location Data:

  • Geofencing: Set up geofences around the digital billboards to capture mobile device data.
  • Movement Analysis: Analyze the movement patterns of these devices to understand exposure and engagement.
  • Data Matching: Match the mobile location data with web visitation or foot traffic data to measure impact.

3. Survey-Based Data

Survey-based methods are invaluable for upper-funnel objectives such as brand awareness and purchase intent. Surveys capture data on recall, intent, and brand perception before and after ad exposure. This approach provides qualitative insights into the campaign's impact on audience attitudes and behaviors.

How to Conduct Survey-Based Studies:

  • Pre-Campaign Surveys: Conduct surveys to establish baseline metrics for brand awareness, recall, and purchase intent.
  • Post-Campaign Surveys: Conduct follow-up surveys after the campaign to measure changes in these metrics.
  • Data Comparison: Compare pre- and post-campaign survey results to gauge the campaign’s effectiveness.

4. Incremental Sales Lift

Measuring incremental sales lift involves comparing sales data from stores or regions with DOOH ads to those without. By establishing control and test groups, advertisers can quantify the sales increase directly attributable to the campaign. This method often leverages frequent shopper card data and other sales metrics to provide concrete evidence of the campaign's effectiveness.

How to Measure Incremental Sales Lift:

  • Control and Test Groups: Establish regions or stores with and without the DOOH ads.
  • Sales Data Collection: Collect sales data from both groups over the campaign period.
  • Comparison Analysis: Compare the sales data to identify any significant lift in sales attributable to the campaign.

5. Web and App Analytics

Tracking web traffic and app downloads driven by DOOH campaigns is crucial. By placing tracking pixels on the advertiser’s website, it's possible to measure direct and indirect web visits (e.g., users who search for the brand after seeing the ad). This method helps in understanding how DOOH influences online engagement and conversions.

How to Use Web and App Analytics:

  • Tracking Pixels: Implement tracking pixels on key web pages and app screens.
  • Data Matching: Match web and app analytics data with exposure data from DOOH campaigns.
  • Performance Analysis: Analyze the data to measure increases in web visits, app downloads, and other online engagement metrics.

6. Brand Lift Studies

Brand lift studies measure the impact of DOOH campaigns on key brand metrics such as awareness, favorability, and purchase intent. These studies typically involve pre- and post-campaign surveys to assess changes in these metrics, offering a comprehensive view of the campaign's effect on brand perception.

How to Conduct Brand Lift Studies:

  • Pre-Campaign Baseline: Measure initial brand metrics through surveys or focus groups.
  • Post-Campaign Measurement: Reassess these metrics after the campaign ends.
  • Data Analysis: Compare the pre- and post-campaign data to determine the impact on brand metrics.

7. Dynamic Creative Optimization

Programmatic DOOH allows for dynamic creative changes based on real-time data. Ads can be adjusted according to factors like weather, time of day, or audience demographics. The effectiveness of these changes can be evaluated by comparing performance metrics before and after the adjustments, ensuring optimal campaign performance.

How to Implement Dynamic Creative Optimization:

  • Real-Time Data Integration: Use real-time data feeds to inform creative changes.
  • Creative Variations: Develop multiple versions of ads tailored to different conditions and demographics.
  • Performance Tracking: Continuously monitor and compare the performance of different creative variations.

8. Cost Per Lead (CPL) and Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of a DOOH campaign involves calculating Cost Per Lead (CPL) and Return on Ad Spend (ROAS). This requires tracking the leads generated from the campaign and the revenue attributed to these leads compared to the campaign spend. These financial metrics are essential for determining the campaign's profitability and efficiency.

How to Calculate CPL and ROAS:

  • Lead Tracking: Use tracking mechanisms to capture leads generated by the campaign.
  • Revenue Attribution: Attribute revenue to these leads through tracking pixels or unique promo codes.
  • Cost Analysis: Compare the campaign costs with the revenue generated to calculate CPL and ROAS.

Advanced Attribution Models

To further enhance the measurement of DOOH effectiveness, advertisers can utilize advanced attribution models such as multi-touch attribution (MTA) and marketing mix modeling (MMM). These models provide a more holistic view of how DOOH interacts with other marketing channels and its overall impact on the marketing funnel.

Multi-Touch Attribution (MTA):

  • Overview: MTA assigns credit to multiple touchpoints along the consumer journey, recognizing the contribution of each interaction in driving conversions.
  • Application: By integrating MTA with DOOH data, advertisers can understand the combined effect of DOOH and other channels, such as social media and search advertising.

Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM):

  • Overview: MMM uses statistical analysis to estimate the impact of various marketing activities on sales and other performance metrics.
  • Application: MMM can quantify the long-term effects of DOOH campaigns and identify the optimal media mix for maximizing ROI.

Real Case Studies and Success Stories

To provide concrete examples of DOOH effectiveness, here are a few real-world case studies:

Case Study 1: Nike's Dynamic DOOH Campaign

  • Objective: Nike aimed to promote its latest running shoes and drive both online and in-store sales.
  • Strategy: Nike launched a dynamic DOOH campaign in major cities, using weather-triggered content that displayed different messages depending on the local weather conditions.
  • Results: The campaign saw a 20% increase in online traffic and a 15% rise in in-store foot traffic during the campaign period. Nike also reported a significant uplift in sales for the featured running shoes.

Case Study 2: Coca-Cola's Interactive Billboard Campaign

  • Objective: Coca-Cola wanted to boost brand engagement and drive social media interaction.
  • Strategy: Coca-Cola installed interactive digital billboards in busy urban areas, allowing passersby to create personalized Coke bottles on the screen and share their creations on social media.
  • Results: The campaign generated over 1 million social media impressions and increased Coca-Cola's social media engagement by 25%. Brand sentiment also improved, with positive mentions rising by 18%.

Case Study 3: McDonald's Geotargeted DOOH Campaign

  • Objective: McDonald's aimed to increase foot traffic to its restaurants during off-peak hours.
  • Strategy: McDonald's used geotargeted DOOH ads that displayed real-time offers and promotions to people within a certain radius of their restaurants.
  • Results: The campaign led to a 12% increase in foot traffic during off-peak hours and a 10% boost in overall sales. Customer feedback also highlighted the effectiveness of the timely and relevant promotions.


Understanding the nuances between OOH, DOOH, and Programmatic DOOH is essential for leveraging the full potential of outdoor advertising. While OOH offers broad visibility, DOOH enhances this with digital capabilities, allowing for dynamic and engaging content. Programmatic DOOH takes it a step further by incorporating data-driven strategies and real-time bidding, ensuring more precise targeting and effective campaign management. By employing these measurement techniques, advertisers can make data-driven decisions, optimize their campaigns, and achieve a higher return on investment.

This comprehensive approach to measuring the effectiveness of programmatic DOOH advertising ensures that campaigns are not only impactful but also quantifiable, providing advertisers with the insights needed to refine their strategies and maximize their advertising budgets. Understanding and implementing these methods will help in creating more engaging, effective, and measurable DOOH campaigns that drive significant results.

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