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June 6, 2024

What is OOH? What is DOOH Marketing? What is Programmatic DOOH? Learn the differences between each.

What is OOH? What is DOOH Marketing? What is Programmatic DOOH? Learn the differences between each.

What is D/OOH?

What is OOH? What is DOOH Marketing? What is Programmatic DOOH? Read on to find out...

D/OOH, or Digital Out-of-Home advertising, represents the evolution of traditional out-of-home (OOH) advertising through the integration of digital technology. It involves delivering dynamic and engaging advertisements on digital billboards, screens, and other digital displays in public spaces. This format allows for more interactive and real-time content, enhancing the traditional OOH advertising model with digital capabilities.

What is OOH?

Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising refers to any advertising media found outside of the home. This includes traditional formats such as billboards, transit ads (on buses, trains, etc.), posters, and street furniture (like bus shelters and kiosks). OOH advertising is designed to reach consumers while they are on the go, offering high visibility and broad reach.

What is OOH?

What is DOOH?

Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) advertising is a subset of OOH that utilizes digital screens to display ads and content. Unlike traditional static billboards and OOH placements, DOOH ads can be dynamic, interactive, and can be updated in real-time. These formats includes digital billboards, interactive kiosks, digital transit displays, and screens in locations like shopping malls, airports, and stadiums. DOOH provides the advantage of rotating multiple ads on the same screen and incorporating rich media content.

What is DOOH Marketing?

What is Programmatic DOOH?

Programmatic DOOH refers to the automated buying, selling, and delivery of digital out-of-home advertising through a technology-driven process. This approach leverages data and software to purchase digital billboard space in real-time, similar to online programmatic advertising. Programmatic DOOH enables advertisers to target specific audiences, optimize campaign performance, and measure the impact of their ads more accurately.

Place Based Advertising DOOH


Understanding the nuances between OOH, DOOH, and Programmatic DOOH is essential for leveraging the full potential of outdoor advertising. While OOH offers broad visibility, DOOH enhances this with digital capabilities, allowing for dynamic and engaging content. Programmatic DOOH takes it a step further by incorporating data-driven strategies and real-time bidding, ensuring more precise targeting and effective campaign management. By grasping these differences, advertisers can craft more impactful and measurable advertising strategies in the out-of-home landscape.

Read Part II - 

How To Measure the Effectiveness of Programmatic DOOH Marketing