Bonus: AI in OOH (A LinkedIn Live Replay with Tim Rowe)
This is a rebroadcast of "AI in OOH" a LinkedIn Live Event (which can you can access here).
Watch the YouTube version here
In this free class, I talk about how to incorporate AI in your OOH workflows.
Whether for sales enablement, measurement, or streamlining your operation, this is a great primer on the use of generative AI in your media company or as a media buyer or media planner.
There is a deck that accompanies this presentation which can be accessed for free at
Key Timestamps:
- [00:01:25] AI enabling personal workflows.Â
- [00:06:13] AI in the podcasting industry.Â
- [00:11:22] Researching keywords with AI.Â
- [00:14:07] Creating internal apps with AI.Â
- [00:16:09] App built with spreadsheet integration.Â
- [00:20:13] Billboard foot traffic in cities.Â
- [00:24:03] Increasingly challenging quantifying the impact measurement.Â
- [00:27:58] Web traffic and media measurement.
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00:00 Tim Rowe Alright, we're gonna we're gonna get this fired up. We're gonna get the LinkedIn live Streaming oh cool. You got the Get the throat clear in there. It's hard to tell with this software specifically There's a lag hang on I'm getting my volume from over there, too. Okay. This is why we start a few minutes early to Shake down any of the potential quirks that could could be taking place on any given day but it looks like it's all working and I think I also deleted the event at some point and Respond the event or I don't know, you know, sometimes it's sometimes it's tough being a one-man band but that's why we're gonna talk about AI today because It's been a huge unlock for me personally using AI in the workflow for for out-of-home insider. I'll just give you an example as as we Let folks trickle in here As we let folks trickle in here there was one last thing I needed to do I just noticed there that we needed to press one more button and the volume, okay Again, this is why we start early. Well, I'll give you an example for for out-of-home insider how AI has Enabled my personal workflows so that I'm able to really produce at a level that even When I've had help Even when I had some agencies supporting elements of it whether that was post post production and cleaning up the sound getting the show notes ready and then kind of like getting it queued to load up I've never been able to do as much as I'm doing today with the podcast before and that means Every episode becoming its own blog becoming multiple Short form videos those short form videos go to YouTube shorts, of course YouTube shorts way underrated as a New reach platform. So just take I take the full episode So just take I take the full episode Really not a ton of editing to do after it's done because the guests are awesome and they're just willing to to riff with me through some conversation there I Take the video from YouTube. I put it into AI the AI does all the show notes It writes up the blog and this is this is important. We'll talk about this when we kick off at 3 o'clock AI will get you 80% of the way there it will do the most annoying parts of the job the really really manual like Thinking parts. There's so much effort that we all expend just from thinking So that's where AI comes in it does the thinking and then it can do the thing so I'll take that episode Create a YouTube link for it Upload it there unpublished. So this allows me to work in advance I'll take that link. I'll give it to AI AI does all the show notes blog all this stuff so now I just play the role of editor and I go through and I Edit it and make it make sense and kind of add my voice to it So AI does all that stuff and then I take that same YouTube link. I give it to another AI tool It chops up all of the little clips I then go through and then I pick out the best clips that the AI came up with it did all the subtitles and captions and all that stuff and the little cool jump cuts and Then I take that and then I go and I put that into my post production video editing $30 a month like totally not an expert platform and I add free gifts to it and music and Progress bars so AI does all of the annoying work and then I come through as a Producer or editor and I'm able to kind of go through that another place that AI comes in and kind of that workflow is YouTube for me acts as my source of truth on all short form video. So this is Just for the short form video vertical kind of Instagram reels think tick-tock like that kind of video So all of those videos live on YouTube I then use an AI content scheduling platform that connects from YouTube to all of my other social profiles and Schedule out all of that video content. So I start with one episode 35 minute conversation that 35 minute conversation turns into blog guest profile tons of words which all become Search engine optimized content. So then when people are typing stuff into the into the Google You know, hopefully we're showing up and we're coming up top of page or somewhere near it So we all that stuff is done all the video work is done And again, I'm just coming through with a fine-tooth comb and adding like the elements to personalize it and make it Make it feel You know like a whole Produced show I guess But AI has easily taken out 70% of the work and Right, we avoid the things we don't like to do so because it took away all of the annoying parts That's where it's unlocked the most value for me is it took away all the annoying parts which actually enabled me to do more of the fun stuff to add the finishing touches to add the little gifts and You know the little extras on the on the videos so that's been the biggest time saver for me Working with AI but through that kind of exploration Started connecting with a lot of founders in the AI space and maybe you've heard of discord It's kind of like slack. I thought it was for gamers. I was incorrect. Maybe gamers do use it but obviously there's a lot of developers and engineers and and Specifically within the AI community. There's a lot of folks on different discord channels and what's so cool about it is One there's a real sense of community. Everyone just wants everyone to win and in addition to that you have access to the founders and Everything's really open source. Everyone's just telling each other. Here's how I did this. Here's how you can do that So it's an interesting time and I think because of those dynamics those factors that This opportunity specifically as it applies to offline media out of home advertising I know there were tools. I wish I had as a Local salesperson whether that was during my time at Adams or just selling media locally, right? Like at that smaller scale you don't have access to as many tools So everything that I'm going to show you today is some sort of free trial It's something that you can literally get started with Hopefully wait till the end of this but it's understandable and okay if you don't That's one of the beautiful things about AI is you can kind of switch between between ideas and test things very quickly and and get a sense for is this going to be something is this going to be a project that we're going to go down the road pursuing or Is is this something that we're going to scrap what are we going to pick out so that we can focus on on the pieces that Are going to add the most value today whether it's making someone's life easier. It's helping you to sell more stuff So more stuff to the people that you already sold to be more operationally efficient, whatever it is There's probably some AI that can help you with those things So I'm someone who likes to start on time. I see it's 259 I'm guessing there's a bunch of people here. It's been about nine months since I did a LinkedIn live We're gonna kick this thing off right now It's been about nine months and the reason I point that out as my kind of legal disclaimer at the bottom is I don't know Where anything is I don't know where if you're commenting. I can't see it right now I'm just talking to myself and when I'm doing this my camera is trying to pull focus on Hand gestures, so we're flying a little bit blind But what I promise you is that I'm going to be able to do this in a few days What I promise you is that I will come back afterwards go through all the comments respond to anything That if there's a question or whatever you can send me a DM my email all included It's unlike the very last slide, but you can always email me. It's Tim at the OOH insider comm Can't really screw that up too bad. So Tim at the OOH insider comm we're talking about AI and out of home today I'm gonna share I'm just gonna share my whole screen because I'm probably gonna be switching between a few things You're gonna get this zoomed in mirror effect right now But I promise me I get you out of here in two seconds. Let's jump over to our presentation which is Not that it's over here. There it is All right, we'll sneak peek of some of the stuff that's coming. Don't skip ahead. Don't skip ahead If you want the deck I'll publish the deck on the website happy to send you a copy of the deck There's some videos embedded in the deck. There's a lot of stuff here. So I hope that you find it helpful Please share it with someone else on your team There's gonna be a few things that we talked about here, but I think the first and most important is mindset For me in kind of my journey to discover how congenerative AI Enable more of these things Like a lot of people start with chat GPT If you haven't played with chat GPT yet Probably know someone that has it was like the fastest growing app to a million users and then Meta threads past it, but they've lost like 90% of their users So chat GPT it's the place to start What you're gonna notice about chat GPT is it's different than search right searches. We know it we go to Google We go to Bing and we type in the thing We want to know the thing we want to learn the thing we want to do, etc, etc And then we have to read blog articles watch videos and try to like piece it all together The thing that's different about AI is that you can just tell it what to do or if you're not sure what to do You can have it teach you what to do and do it So I've included a video here from one of the developers on one of these discord channels that that we were talking about in The lead-up who's building in the space and I want to show you How developers using chat GPT so that you can understand even technical folks are Using these tools to save brainpower Okay, so he knows how to code but he's gonna use chat GPT to do a lot of the work and we're gonna look at specifically An example for researching keywords that could drive traffic to your website So imagine this is a topic, you know nothing about it might be something that you you you don't know anything about but this is this is a video of a developer his name is Cody Schneider and What he's doing here is he's actually going to use a product description of his own product to start generating other Material so what he's done is he just copy and paste paste it his landing page and now he's having chat GPT Analyze the landing page for keywords and then what he's telling chat GPT to do next is hey I want you to analyze my landing page for the keywords people would be searching to end up here and Then I want you to be the expert. I don't want to be the expert I want you to do the expert stuff as you can see on the screen right now And then he's going to take that start to run it through some other tools But that amount of legwork traditionally would have been pretty exhausting So whether it's learning how to do SEO or financials or a customer acquisition strategy Whatever it is that you're trying to learn just having a conversation with AI will start helping you to think of new things It will walk you through the really important process of order of operations So in that spirit step two getting started what jobs are stealing time from your team to be able to do their best work I think this is kind of the this is the piece that ties into the mindset but Specifically sit down and say okay, which jobs are taking time away from my people Doing the things that I hire them to do right the the role of Computer that was a service one's job today. That's a machine that we use So are your people just doing the jobs of robots? Is that what you hired them to do if so, that's okay There's probably a technology and a contractor that can get the job done or you can get your people back to being human beings and doing the great people stuff that they do and And focusing on how to do that with AI If you're using spreadsheets Creating internal apps with AI is I think one of the lightest lifts and the first places to really focus So that's the first app that we're gonna look at This is something applicable whether you're in sales marketing customer success operations finance real estate HR people ops whatever you do if your job Uses a spreadsheet the tool I'm about to show you is Maybe one of the most valuable things that you'll see today. Alright, so that's the goal here work smarter not harder The first app I'm going to show you is frontly There's a story that comes with frontly that I've been telling About two months ago My son wanted to create an app for scoring the wiffle ball games that him and his friends were having in the backyard They wanted to build teams and have a league so we sat down and we scoped out What does this have to look like from a from a structure standpoint? What do the spreadsheets need to contain? How do we how do we have to think through this because I think that's important just in itself is think through the order of operations Two months ago we were gonna try to do this with a what's called a no code app and you'll see some no-code stuff Throughout this presentation here But we built it the other day off of one prompt. We told the AI. Here's the app we want to build Build it and that's what it did. So you can see on your screen here that the prompt for this example This is just a very loose example But it gives you some of these ideas and some of these real-world examples to to kind of bite into This is frontly. I think I'll speed this up for you. So This goes faster and I'll just kind of talk over it There we go, all right see like I said We're building while flying so you go to frontly you type in a prompt that prompt could be anything analyze You know, I want to analyze I want to build an app to analyze ten years of financial records and the data that I Want to give you is X Y & Z and the outputs that I'd like to see are 1 2 & 3 the variables I'd like you to consider are and On and on and on and your ability to communicate Well your ability to think through the order of operations and understand what those variables are in the consideration set That's going to create better outputs every time so this isn't just like a one-and-done This is one example. I actually built better examples Yesterday, but this was the one that I recorded. So this is interesting because we're gonna on the next screen We're just gonna jump over and we're gonna actually look at the app at this with a little Tripping over words here. We're gonna look at the app that That this built where did I put this app that frontly built? I think it's over here. Oh, yeah. Here it is. All right. So this is a very very simple app This would be something that you'd come in and refine and think through with the team, right? So this is not your finished state was interesting though is you can break down individual jobs and then start to link these things Together, so if your whole company operates on spreadsheets Imagine that not having to disrupt your spreadsheet infrastructure But being able to put in a modern-day operating interface on top of it. That's what you're looking at right here So very simple. I'm sure this is not gonna win any sort of Technical awards but for someone that doesn't have technology. This is something you just saw it's a prompt away So let's say we're out on the sales call and we sold a billboard and we want to account for that so we're gonna come in here I know what these are because I Did just look at it and we're gonna say this is for Jane Jones And again, there's gonna be more information that you want to include in this but just for demonstration sake so cool We sold billboard one to Jane Jones on the 1st of January We might come back over here and then we're gonna change our status Maybe we want to add a status here that says sold but just for examples do that because that's gonna Essentially throw a null on that on that field there I'm gonna have to refresh this actually to show you And that's gonna show up as no value and everything else is still available That fast understand there's probably folks that are leaving right now to go do that so If that's if that brings you immense value, I hope I hope that you go do that and take advantage of that software it's totally free to start and Again, really inexpensive to use these tools. They're like nine dollars a month ten dollars a month It's not like fifty dollars per seat and I have three thousand employees No, they're all they're all really really inexpensive tools And the access to founders if you get into those discord chats, like I was saying Most of them in their onboarding sequence most of them will invite you to their discord thread. I know channel And you'll be able to interact with them ask them questions the founder directly hey, I'd love it if this feature existed I'd love if it could do this and they're going to engage with you and respond So it's a really active feedback loop something that I would encourage you to to take advantage of let's jump back over to our presentation Because we've got more apps ahead So that was front Lee that's front Lee and that is a powerful tool. All right Next slide because if you had wanted to hire robots you would have can now Hi robots do robot stuff. Let your people be great humans. That's what they were designed to do. All right This next tool is Something again, you might leave early Expert insights this is from a platform called unearth insights and the tool here is called unearth AI What you'll see in this next video is a pretty cool example where you can look at any state and Obviously you can zoom into the city block and understand What does population look like there is that higher or lower than the neighboring? You know zip code etc so that you can better plan your media strategies better sell your media This one's really cool because you can I think so useful too in a major city like New York where hey travel time five minutes Walking what does that radius look like from here? I'm gonna put a I'm gonna put a billboard right here Because my goal is to drive foot traffic into my store Is it within a walking distance we might know these things inherently, but maybe you don't I didn't I didn't know these things I walked a lot yesterday in New York City Doug Cordova Better than an app with with directions and time, but this is pretty good, too This is called unearth insights. This is going to be a video shows you a little bit of what's in here This is another tool where you can interact with it And it's not just for looking at where things are and how many people are there etc you can Type in prompts and questions if you recognize that logo. That's the open AI logo So you can see this is running on the open AI platform, but how many Starbucks are here where the gas stations etc. I Don't know if I would have known there were 1286 Starbucks in Texas, but you can just ask it questions. This is an example of That pin drop I'm going to show a five mile radius and what it looks like for five miles of walking So you can see how different that is and obviously that would make sense To someone that's familiar with New York City or a market that they're doing maybe That they've lived in or that they've done before etc. But this is something where now you're an expert on every market Not just the markets that you know the markets that you don't know places. You've never been places. You've never planned media So that's a really powerful tool. I like that one a lot. That's unearth Insights their platform is called unearth AI All right, what do we got next look good feel good feel good play good. This is one of the no code platforms So kind of no code is is its own Genre in this next wave of tech development But no code is is its own thing So I don't want to get to in the weeds about it all but what's really important to know is this thing's easy to use So no code map app is great. If you're a place-based media owner, this is a tool I would be all over It doesn't work off of latin long, which is the challenge Obviously on like the billboard side But if you have place-based media and those are addresses That I could send a letter to that someone's getting bills sent to each month if I can send a letter there and there's a mailing Address, then this is going to be a great platform for you So all you have to do is you can do a few ways you can upload a spreadsheet you can sync your Google Sheets you can copy and paste from kind of their templated formats and Let's say you don't even have your information in a spreadsheet This is how powerful AI is you can take this part on the screen here You can take that formatting and you could you could go over to chat Cheap e pt and take all of your data all of it and just say chat cheap e t The data I'm about to give you I would like you to reformat to follow this structure insert the structure and Then copy paste all your data. It will build the spreadsheet for you. Then you can take that upload it here. Wham-bam Thank you, my well wham-bam. Thank you ma'am And you're done. That's how simple these tools are and that's how AI and no code and you can be a technical expert That fast and nothing I'm showing you here required any sort of special training Just but a simple man. So that is that is No code map. All right now I've lost myself. There's the presentation. All right, this is Increasingly challenging quantifying the impact measurement. It's something that is on you know, the top of everyone's Everyone's mind it's in every conversation. How do we measure stuff? Archive I think is a really cool poor man's social listening platform. So I've Subscribed to the really expensive Social listening platforms and they're incredible if you run a social media agency or a brand you should totally use them you Should also totally use archive too If you're any of those people, but if you're specifically an out-of-home partner an agency a media owner If you do anything with brands, this is something that you can use to monitor their social profiles So it's actually built brand first. So it's built for the brand to be monitoring their social media But what I would do is I would actually just put in the brands that I'm working with or that I'm following And I would track their social media so that anytime someone takes a picture of their billboard and tags them It's showing up internally a my team's dashboard. I don't need to subscribe to software. That's thousands of dollars a month This is a free trial. I don't know why the video is not playing. This is a video trial Hopefully I've convinced you enough in this screenshots compelling Let's see if we can get it to play. Oh, there we go There we go. We'll just make this big screen here so you can connect you don't have to connect the social accounts So I've connected like my Instagram now. Let people tag me and stuff. You can tag me Feel free to tag me if you want. Oh, this must not be the video. All right, anyway, I'm gonna talk through it You just have to take their social handle and put it in right? So you just need to know. Oh, it's at Nike Copy paste you don't need any sort of login. You don't need special access You are essentially just following them in silent mode Oh, I can thank myself again. So you're just following them in silent mode and you are paying attention You're looking for any sort of social proof Associated with the thing that you do. So that's a great great platform in this measurement conversation The next one in the measurement piece is called over tracking and this was actually built as an alternative to Google analytics You know that I like Google analytics a lot for measuring local lift Hey, am I getting more traffic from the neighborhoods or cities where I have out-of-home media present? How does that how does that look compared to maybe markets where I don't have media? Overtracking is a tool to do that. And again non Technical you do not have to be technical you don't have to spend thousands of dollars I think you can actually track up to five websites I think it's up to five for free and then like up to oh no It's unlimited domains is like 50 bucks a month unlimited domains is $50 a month and that gives you Unlimited domains you can only track 25 pages. There's there's a few different pricing options It's insultingly inexpensive is the point of me telling you that So what how it works is I really wish I could get this to this is one I would like for you to see Let me just see if this is gonna work here. All right Present See things go pretty good most of the time and then sometimes they just don't go great all the way So I think this is loaded here. All right, so this I just installed this actually the other day on My own website for out-of-home insider and here when you click on the countries You'll see it'll show you the cities and you can see all the seas that the traffic is coming from now I'm but a modest podcast about out of home So web traffic is not my primary goal But if all of a sudden you're doing a billboard and you weren't and you're getting lots of eyeballs and those eyeballs are going back to Google and searching stuff If I'm a media owner if I sold that media I want to know that they're getting more traffic from the areas where I Help them. So how it works is you create a pixel. It's copy paste for you and for them It's so simple. I should have included the two extra steps of Installing it on my website to show you how easy and non-technical it is It's copy paste copy paste. You don't have to pay thousands and thousands of dollars for Media measurement if that's not something that makes sense for your campaign and I would argue at the local level That's one of the biggest challenges. So over tracking is awesome. You should go check that out, too What else? Oh, this is the last one. I added this as a last piece here because I'm sure you've seen pictures I'm sure you've seen Lots of stuff. Hey AI made this mid-journey. What's mid-journey? What's discord Tim's talk about discord dozen times already What is all this stuff? So this is mid-journey. I'm gonna show you I was making subs That's me. I made that duck on a skateboard in the clouds. I Actually didn't make it. I just prompted it again. This is just about knowing how to put the right prompts in Let me pull this back. Yeah, I don't know if that's covering up the Hopefully you can see the bottom of the screen there. I'm just trying to get this thing out of the way This is discord. It looks like slack. You can see here at the bottom. Okay, there we go so a Billboard advertising dress shoes to people on a diet with a fairy tale theme like once upon time Oh, yeah, because I've been using here free plug I've been using washa pig cards to come up with my mid-journey prompts. They're great. So write a headline for a cruise line speaking to workaholics That like a tabloid headline cool, right, so that's One of the ways to work with that's how you work with mid-journey. That's what mid-journey is And those are just some of the things you just sit there and prompt it and it will come back with ideas I think it's great for idea generation. It's great for coming up with Lots of different stuff. You can throw different finishes and I'll show you on this next slide Pardon me of what it looks like when you start to add some of these we'll just call them prompt embellishments when you get Really sophisticated with with some of the prompts so this was the prompt I then went back and I refined it So you saw what that looked like? Show me a billboard fairy tale theme once upon time shoes You saw what it looked like and then I beefed up the prompt and then this is what you got here on the right-hand side I'll make this full screen so you can see all that on the left-hand side was just hey make us a billboard of This with that on the right-hand side. We added some more elements You can see obviously like this, you know that you can see like the texture behind this These are pictures that you could probably use in a blog in a magazine. You could use them in a client pitch again idea generation we're not saying this is here to take anyone's job, but Maybe AI is not coming to take your job, but someone with AI skills That loves to do what you do to is coming to take your job So having fun will keep you learning thinking and discovering new ways to use AI Well that went pretty quick and maybe it's because it's just me talking to me but if you're curious about how you can start to think about or how to Practically incorporate AI in your company That was my email that I mentioned About 20 minutes ago Tim at the OH insider comm send me a DM again I'm gonna publish this deck. I will release the recording of this as a YouTube video. In fact, I'm gonna do you one better I'm gonna take this and then I'm gonna run it through my AI workflow. So everything that you see that comes out of this Anywhere that you see it Twitter Instagram LinkedIn in the email on the website Is going to be from an AI enabled workplace workplace workflow. It's too many words by one person in 20 minutes Alright, thanks so much for hanging out. Send me an email tim at the OH insider Comm we'll see y'all next time