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July 27, 2020

Episode 041 - Casey Binkley, CEO of Movia

Episode 041 - Casey Binkley,  CEO of Movia

Today's guest is casey Binkley.

Casey is the CEO of Movia, a technology-based Out of Home advertising that connects brands with their customers via North American highways. By combining a unique approach to measurement, Movia turns borning tractor trailers into exciting ad campaigns that are predictably scalable because of the ability to measure their effectiveness.

A serial entrepreneur, Casey embodies his company's spirit - always moving.

He is a visionary who understands history and combines time-tested strategies with new-age tech.

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Welcome to out-of-home insider today's guest is Casey Binkley. Casey's the founder of Movia the only mobile billboard media company with unique GPS tracking and impression analytics technology. The serial entrepreneur, Casey is also the co-founder of fast brewing.com. One of the largest companies in the world is supplies, home brewers and wine makers alike.

The essentials of their craft. Casey's a proponent of making it easy and keeping it simple. All with the goal of maximum effectiveness without further ado. Casey, welcome to the show. Thanks very much, Tim. Great to be here and, uh, awesome to meet everyone. It's great to have you. It's great to have you and we, we, we got introduced to you a couple months back under the banner of, of a different name and, and now Movia talk to me about the rebrand.

Talk to me about what you guys do and what makes you unique as a, as a company. How did you get into. A hundred percent. You bet. So, yeah, we just went through a rebrand that we're super excited about. Uh, we've been operating as holler ads for the past four to five years, uh, which has been a good transition into the industry.

Uh, but we're just trying to kinda grow up a little bit and more so like make the technology more of the focus of, uh, of what we do. Uh, holler was certainly cool, but it kind of drags us into the trucking. Don't get me wrong. We certainly operate in the truck ground, but, uh, yeah, just kind of opening it up and making the tech, uh, more of the kind of focal point.

So, uh, I've learned a lot about marketing and advertising myself getting into this, uh, like Tim had mentioned I'm a, I'm an entrepreneur. So I was not, uh, from the media space before I got into this, um, my last company was fast brewing and wine making. Uh, we manufactured plastic Homebrew equipment. Uh, we manufactured in Michigan and China and we sold the products in roughly around like 1400 retail stores across like 45 countries.

Uh, we built that company with the partner out of university and Tim was just laughing because my I've been starting to use this new name a little bit more, but uh, I've I go by red, red dragon a little bit. It's his call sign, ladies and gentlemen, red dragon red dragon. Uh, it started in the home brewer industry.

We showed up for this huge trade show was like our very first one it's me and my partner. And probably like 23 or what not. And it's, you know, it's morning time, you're filling out your name badges, and we're at a trade show for beer. So we've probably had a couple at that point and said, Hey, let's do something cool with this.

So I coined myself red dragon and he was Jackson axle. And. We, yeah, literally the, the whole industry new me is, uh, as red dragon from, from then on out. So what a great lesson in marketing, right? Just, uh, you've gotta, you've gotta be memorable. There's gotta be a reason for people to remember you. So you've, you've created this awesome home brewing company, holler ads for five years.

I mean, that's no small accomplishment. Now we're moving into this next phase, this next evolution for you guys. So the rebrand, how recently is the rebar? Uh, pretty I'd say what, maybe we did kind of like a lot of soft launch, maybe about a month or so ago. And then it's kinda been like, uh, we did a press release like two or three weeks ago, so yeah.

It's just starting to trickle out and yeah, we've been really, really excited about it at all. It's been, we're getting a lot of like good people say it makes us look bigger and obviously more professional just cleans us off a lot. So that's been. For sure. And there's lots of mobile billboard companies and there's people that throw signs on the side of trucks and, and, and call it such, um, you know, there's people taking advantage of all sorts of space.

Well, what is it that. You guys unique and really a buttoned up turnkey solution a hundred percent. And I think this kind of like comes back a little bit to our like roots and origin. So like when I was doing the home birth thing, uh, having a great time and it was good, but like just starting to look for new opportunities, I've been doing it for about five or six years.

So just kind of looking for the next thing. And I can remember it. I was driving back from Michigan from doing some manufacturing stuff. I mean, we're on the highway. And my partner is driving I'm in the passenger seat. I can literally make vivid memory of this, but like blank truck goes past truck with an ad blank truck in my brains.

Just like, why is there so many blank trucks out there? So I kind of started doing some research on it and found like there's only a handful of companies in north America that do this kind of truck side advertising. So I've kind of started digging in. Like then I found out like truck side was actually really big in the eighties.

It was like utilized and like a big thing and I kind of petered out or whatnot and it just kind of never became mainstream again. So like after starting a chat with some marketing ad people, then I figured out like a lot of it came down to analytics. Measurement accountability. So then I came up with this idea.

That's like our full tech stack platform, uh, that, yeah, we, we have a beacon technology that goes on each truck. It's a GPS, so we know the low location, but the cool thing we do is impression analytics through wifi and Bluetooth measurement. Most people leave their wifi or Bluetooth on in their phones. So there's beacon that's riding around in the truck is just picking up all this available signal it's out there.

So we can tell what devices have come in contact with the trucks at a where and what time. So I embarked on this large journey to build out this tack. Um, I'm not a technical guy myself. I'm certainly starting to understand it at this point. No. I'm not reading code and I am not coding myself. Let's talk it let's talk.

And let's take a second and talk about that, right? Because oftentimes people will have an idea and it could be a great idea. Like you just said, truck side advertising was a thing. It was a good idea. Execution wasn't necessarily, maybe at the time, it wasn't an issue, but to make it relevant now it needed to be done differently.

So how does a non-tech, you know, beer guy. Start a tech company. What, what, what are those hurdles? Is, is it in these six inches of all right. I'm gonna have to learn a new skill set. Talk to us about that. Talk to us about the mindset of getting past. Like, I knew that like, I'm not like I'm can get my emails done and that kind of stuff, but like, I'm not a super technical guy to begin with.

So like I knew kind of, I wasn't going to be the guy building this. I've always like, found, like if you can't do something or if you're just not something that interests you, it's better to find somebody that does, um, got super lucky found kind of the first, my first kind of co-founder tech guru. Uh, his name was Zach.

We worked together for about a year and a half or so. And he was like the guy that kind of built this all out. Um, did the initial MVP. Uh, got this, these devices working the back end, the front end display. And yeah, it was all really like, it went good. Uh, lots of tons of hurdles, like, and it's just kind of like when you're building tech, it's an endless black hole for money.

So, so sort of like a Steve jobs, Steve Wazniak thing of got the visionary. And then we've got somebody who can execute, finding, finding the piece that, that compliments you. And so. Literally. Yeah, we will both came together and worked very well. And like, we finally got it kind of to the point where we'd started to partner with trucking companies.

So we were building up for inventory and I was actually I've I accepted my beer company. So I kind of went through that process. And then when I was going through that, like naturally the next big step for me is like, we built the tech. We'd kind of procured some inventory and now is like, Go to market and go full steam.

So kind of started doing that. I mean the original kind of tech guy, we just weren't going to see him. I had I, in terms of like how it was working. So like we decided that, you know, cut it off early. And then I've kind of been like a sole founder since then. And I've found different teams that have came in and built the tech out.

So we had a different team after Zach. And then since then we've got the current team. So, um, Kind of three teams in on it, but yeah, our current, like, it just, it takes kind of figuring the technology out or what you're trying to build and then really finding the right people for that. So I've been very lucky where each different team has been great and progressed it.

I, and we've learned a lot. And then when the kind of next team, then it kind of takes it to the whole next level. So. Um, we're actually in the process for launching a brand new V V four of everything. So we built brand new hardware, a new operating system on the devices. All the data gets sent to this insanely robust backend system because you're processing thousands of scans or second are coming through all this data.

And then it's got to display in real time so that the customers can see it. So, yeah, there's one. Slew, you know, a whole team of deck guys that are working on this hardware operating system, developers, backend developers, front end developers. It's a, yeah, there's a lot going on. And we're blessed. Cause like Canada has been a, so this is a little I I'm in Toronto, but we certainly do this all over north America, but are really blessed, like Toronto's and I know that there's some kind of research and development grants in the U S to.

But there's one up here. That's called shred. It's an R and D tax credit. So for every dollar that we spend on R and D development, we get a 60 cents tax credit back at the end of the year. It's amazing here at cash. So like if you spend a hundred thousand dollars in dev for the year in January, you get a check for 60 grand of it back.

So you're developing for 40 cents on the. Pretty much. Yeah. So it's pretty. Yeah. We've so we've got really lucky in that sense. No, it's great. So talk to me about who comes to, who comes to you to help them? Is it, is it brands that are running campaigns and they want the measured? Is it, is it advertisers that say, Hey, I want to do it this way.

What's the core of your business? I think it's a little, so it's like both it's brands, it's agencies. You know, it's kind of all the above for sure. So, like, it kind of starts in like that home space where like we're running the truck ads and, you know, delivering all the analytics. So like, yeah. I mean, we definitely get on campaigns and because we have this data and people, you know, can see it and touch it, feel it like log into the dashboard and, you know, physically go check their truck out where it was.

Um, so I feel like that's kind of the, the initial phase of it, but the thing that we're starting to see a lot now is like, we partner this in with mobile device retargeting. So we collect all the data and then we start sending messages back out on to the phones. So I think for us, As brands move towards like more of a CPA model, like that cost per acquisition, that like being able to tie the data all the way through an out-of-home span to actual like online conversions is like where a lot of like, you know, what our executions are moving towards.

When we first started there, wasn't a whole lot of like the digital component that was getting added on. But at this point, um, 60, maybe even 70% of our execution. Have a digital ad-on. So like, I look at a cat, we did a campaign in Seattle for company called mood Z. They're an online interior design company.

So you buy a house and you take a picture of your living room and then you upload it on their platform. And you're like, oh yeah, I want to check out. Uh, couch and this chair and this. So there are a hundred percent online based, no brick and mortar. And when they executed with us, it was a very first out of home campaign ever because it's like huge digital, all like CPA model online.

So we did this at a campaign. I was 14 weeks with 10 trucks in Seattle executed, uh, delivered 58 million out of home impressions. Then we targeted 1.2 million impressions on. And that was done to their specific demo, which was females, I think 31 to 39. And then we, on top of that, we were trying to find them in a.

Engage with them when they were maybe thinking about home improvement. So I know a lot of the retargeted ads went to like home and garden or like Martha Stewart at home apps kind of like in that, you know, not necessarily on a, TSN like an athletic, but more or less home sense target audience in the moment where they're considering the thing that the advertisement.

Bingo. The other cool thing that we've started doing, and this is kind of rephrase that I've started acquainted a little bit, but is frequency, threshold retargeting. So out of home is really powerful in the sense that like, it's not, you see that billboard like once or twice and want to buy it. You've seen it five times or 10 times or 15 times now it's relevant.

It's top of mind, you want to act on it. So on this moody campaign, we set the threshold to date. So we only retargeted this select demo 31 to 39 females. Once they've seen the trucks 10 times or 15 times timeframe for that, for that frequency. Was it 10 times in the next 10 days? Or was it 10 times over the course of the.

So the campaign was set up over 14 weeks and basically it takes a good like, and this again kind of comes back to like market size and how many trucks are out there. But on this campaign, it took about six weeks till we started to see the frequency building of like 10. So basically once we hit that frequency threshold with that device, they would automatically go into that.

Retargeting pool and that online portion would start off. Okay. So the frequency control was actually exposure to the truck. Once they'd seen the truck 10 times, then they would be qualified to get online. And I got to imagine that the results for that, right? Like just to recap, target audiences, right. And we're going to make sure that they've been exposed to the truck multiple times.

They've seen the ad before we start hitting them with ads online. What were the results? Like I'm just, those are sound fundamentals. Uh, yeah. He drove a 14% higher online conversion rate. Which w for them was huge. Cause like the ROI per customer for like, you know, sign up or whatever is massive. So yeah, sure.

And now, now you've got somebody who has a great first experience without a home. They see it work in dollars and cents. A lot of folks listening to the show are in a business development or an account executive type role. How did you get in front of them? So even get considered, they, you mentioned they hadn't done out a home before how to get them to the dance.

Yeah, for sure. I, uh, so I do a lot of like, just kind of cold outreach, to be honest with you. We're constantly trying to find kind of those scaling tech companies and like, don't get me wrong. I'm still going after the big fortune five hundreds and whatever, but like a lot of like, you know, companies out of San Francisco, like paying attention to like emails.

Crunchbase does like in daily, you know, send-out, it's telling you about kind of like funding activity that's going on in the, um, I'm like there's a daily email that goes out. I'm sure a bunch of people are on it called the hustle. Like it's another one that kind of cool products hop up on or like, and then I just kind of start my general reaching out emails, LinkedIn.

I'm also somebody that in our, I always encouraged to I'm a little old school that I just get on the phone. I called this thing still works. No, no, I think it's great. And the hearing just simplified down into exactly that we can get caught up in all the minutia of, Hey, here's this top secret, you know, ninja prospecting thing.

That'll never require you to talk to somebody who isn't ready to buy ever again, um, because we want them to be easy. The best relationships in my experience have been exactly that, Hey, I've got something that might be able to help you, or you're doing something interesting that I'd like to talk to you about.

And would you like to talk about it? And if so, great, here it is. It sounds like you're growing the company based on that you've got futuristic tech, what kind of an old school time tested, proven approach to growing the business? Yeah, I'm a little like real business orientated where, you know, I think businesses are round and make money and be profitable.

And you know, if you have to raise a hundred million dollars to make 10 million, well, I don't know. The numbers just don't work for me on that. So I'm not a smart man, but yeah, that, that didn't make a lot of sense. No, I think it's great that you're growing the company organically and that's a great success story.

What other things, what the, any, any big exciting campaigns go out right now as we get back to, uh, to life as we knew it, or life has it shelved. Yeah, totally. Uh, we're excited. It's like, I think like we're very fortunate and I'm extremely grateful to be kind of in this niche, out of home space where we're at.

Um, I know like a lot of networks, like indoor stuff, like mall stuff, or universities are like airports right now. Like, you know, some of that eyeballs and stuff of attention or have shifted. I was also chatting with somebody that out front there was, uh, talking about, uh, Out of home dollars from below ground.

So like specifically in Manhattan, like below ground and transit, uh, becoming, coming above ground. Cause like nobody wants to go down to the transit anymore. Sure. Yeah. We've been like very lucky that like a lot of our trucks. Extremely busy. Like definitely some of the B2B stuff is tapered off, uh, or slowed down.

But on the other side of it, like some of the trucks have increased that are on the residential side, which has been kind of a cool opportunity because like a lot of the eyeballs are just hanging out in neighborhoods or at home. Everybody's kind of seeing what's going on. Like you're looking out of your window a little bit more because you're so bored of ethics or whatever I was doing it before I was eating crackers.

Just looking at my. There you go, it's all like, you know, the delivery truck comes like people are getting goods, like it's engaging in that sense. So yeah, we've got, uh, we just wrapped up an awesome execution for Koch industries. Uh, we were in a live in Atlanta and DC with them. It was really interesting.

Cause we were like collecting all the, seeing the data like throughout COVID. You know, it's like Chuck it around and then all of a sudden, just huge drop-off and then like slowly kinda it petered out for maybe like three or four weeks. And then it kind of started to pick back up again. So you saw like the huge law and then like kinda starting to open up.

Um, and now, yeah, we've got a bunch, we've got a, looks like a big lottery campaign. We're starting to work with some of the big lotteries. So it looks like there's some upcoming stuff there. And, uh, we're working on a telecomm one, uh, as well. So yeah, there's lots in the goal. Um, I can't say it's, it was slow, but then kind of, we got our rebrand out to market now we're kind of back full fledge, so I'm excited.

I think there's lots of opportunity coming up. So yeah, we're. Full throttle now. It's great. And it's good to hear that and sharing those stories. Um, I think keeps everyone motivated with, with the work that they're doing. So thanks for sharing that. The technology itself, is it something that can I license, right?

There's lots of, there's lots of folks that, that to name that are in the mobile billboard business. Can I license your platform for my business? Uh, whether I'm a mobile billboard company or maybe I'm just a, a company with a fleet of vehicles that I would like to integrate into my, uh, into my marketing.

Is that something that you guys do? It's funny, you say that to him, that is kind of the next phase of where we're going. He didn't pay me to ask him that I was just, I was selfishly curious. Yeah. Uh, we kinda like, it was funny. We've kind of stumbled into this. Like we were redeveloped this tech for our own internal network and now it's like, everybody loves it and yeah, we we've got to, so yeah, we're starting to kind of do some of this licensing stuff where we'd help get devices out on vehicles and beacon set up and then kind of provide a dashboard and all the analytics and retargeting.

So yeah, that's. Definitely where we're headed right now. So I think it's gray because some of the, you know, in my limited time at Adams, you know, some of the best clients that I had the opportunity to work with were in those home service type industries, heating and cooling, that sort of thing. And they have great outdoor campaigns and they've got 50 trucks on the road and it's like, why, why can't we just activate those trucks in some sort of way that integrates into.

Into their outdoor campaign and make their stuff even better. So it's exciting to hear that, uh, here, that you guys have that coming down the pipe and that there's going to be opportunities, it sounds like maybe to partner, um, you know, with some different players, a hundred percent, I think like, you know, out of home a lot bet.

And, but I feel like just like bring more tackled data into it. We'll just like strengthen and bring more dollars in dental home in general. So, um, uh, Big proponent. Yeah, we absolutely agree with that. You know, a lot of times we talk about let's make it easy to spend money in, in, in, out of home. And also let's tell a really good story.

And that's kind of in the blessing, I guess if there's been one of the social distancing that we've had to do is, is it's accelerated the conversation around data, around targeting. And as the world comes back, advertisers going to be looking at how. How could I measure my spend with you because I need to make sure that it's working.

So do you see that as being, um, a major component in the growth of, out of home over the next 12 to 18 months? Or is there something that we're not paying attention to where you think, uh, w what do you think we could focus some attention? I do. I mean, I'm, yeah, I see it all the time. You know, I think like, out of home is like shifted a little bit.

Yeah. I've been just because I'm in Canada, but we've been chatting about like how, uh, out of home was a lot, like recently. So originally I'd almost like kind of an impression medium. It was eyeballs. That's what we heard. Right. Impression program impression program. Totally. And then like, I guess, like, This person had kind of, this was an interesting learning curve for me, but they kind of explained the history impression median.

And then like over the past, say like 10 to five, five to 10 years, it's kind of became more like strategic Idaho. So there's lots of like, you're doing like specific locations and you got to buy this, you know, you got to have this sign because it's a kilometer away from your location. You're getting them on, on ramp or like where you're doing like huge takeovers in times square.

Like something like. Whereas now under this kinda, you know, pandemic situation, eyeballs have kind of shifted in traffic shifted and kind of doing some of this strategic location stuff. It's still cool, but the impressions aren't there, like they used to be, that's a good point. This person was kind of, you know, Put in my head that they thought it was kind of out of home, was going to go back to like more like an impression-based median and set up how kind of, you know, hyper-targeted it had been over lost a little bit, which I thought was kind of an interesting subject either way.

I'm not sure I don't have a crystal ball. I wish I did both. No kid right now. It's it's it's like for myself, I, I kid that I'm the digital marketing, uh, recovering digital marketing. But once I could see it, uh, cause that's how it always been sold to me. Right. As an agency guy, you know, we working with automotive dealerships when we did have conversations with outdoor companies, it was impressions, impressions, impressions, but in that digital marketing world where it's target audience conversion, we're, we're actually there's tangibility to it and we're being held accountable to it.

That was my standard coming into, out of home. Right. If I can't measure. Well, then what, what are we doing, talking about it and why are we spending money on it? Let's focus on the things we can measure, which I've been humbled to learn right out of home. One plus one equals three. And there's more to it than, than just being targeted or just, you know, focusing on, on one metric.

How do you think that the technology, uh, being able to target audience measurement, how did those things work with what has always made out of home so powerful? And it is that. Big automatically, uh, authoritative type of, uh, display environment. How do you think that those two things work together going through?

Yeah, I think like, like what are you said? I think like, I mean, I love out of home and I, I feel like anybody that's in out of home loves that on because it is. It's so big, expansive, amazing to see like people get excited. It's the real world, but then you have this kind of dicks connect where it's like such a big, amazing, powerful, medium, but it's so hard to kind of do the analytics, understand like what it drives the back end.

Like, does it actually drive ROI? Are there people coming to store because of this or sales increasing? So I feel like, yeah, you need tax. Be able to, I mean, online, online advertising has been around for what, 30 years it's scooped over 50% of all ad dollars. It's a $335 billion industry out of home is in the us eight, maybe in north America, between eight and 10 billion.

So you look at like, you know, just the spending dollars there, like it's, you know, it's a fraction and online has done that because it's performance. Right. People know exactly who they're targeting. Exactly how many times they're getting in front of that. You know, that there's all these threshold gates on.

Well, I don't need to spend 50, you know, impressions to this one person. We can cap it at 10 or whatnot out of home. Doesn't have that yet. So I feel like there's a lot of like catching up and room for improvement that will bring us back into this kind of more digital realm. Have the dollars kind of all work together.

So I think that there's tons of options. How do you, and this could be a good takeaway too, is how do you have that conversation? Um, maybe going back to the example of the interior design company, how do you have that conversation around here's what out of home is, and here's how, it's just like the other things that you're doing.

How do you approach that? I guess, like, I think, and I've had this conversation with other brands too. When you're big enough and you're spending a lot, you kind of start to hit these like thresholds online where like, it doesn't matter if you spend another like million dollars, you're not really can, you know, increasing your conversion rates.

Like, yeah, you're still getting conversions, but they're not like increasing. So it's like, how do you book to like efficient ways to drive those conversion levels? And out of home is like one of the most affordable channels. Like. Like CPMs or like on some of our stuff, even as low as like 80 cents and a dollar on truck side.

And then like, you know, when you start looking online at CPMs, like depending on how targeted and what you're trying to, you know, if that audience, like you could be like 25, $30 a CPM for an ad that is, you know, uh, this big on my screen. And what's crazy to me is like, you get that ad on your screen. And who knows if that brand is even relevant to that person yet.

Have they ever seen that brand before? And I feel like that's the biggest thing that I've learned in advert or one of the biggest things is like, there's gotta be like some sort of reach frequency to actually instill like a point where they want to act or like, you know, make a purchase on that brand.

So like to spend $30 CPMs to get that message that, you know, general awareness campaign in front of you. 15 times, whereas you could just use out of home at a CPM of $2 or $3 compared to 20. Like, it just seems like in such a natural way to build that kind of top of the line funnel, but then also related to that bottom line ROI, I think that's why the, the work that you're doing is really important because doing out of home before any of this is Kylie doing a trust fall, right?

Like I know that my friends are going to catch. But I'm still afraid of hitting the ground. It's it's I know that out of homeworks, but I'm also afraid of it not working. I'd rather pay $25 CPM because I can see someone clicked on it. Do you think that, what, what do you think needs to happen in the conversation?

Is there, is there something that we could be doing better to inform or educate more brands, more marketing decision makers? About that unique difference about a home it's tough, like in brand, like when you're dealing with the branding and gets the whole team together and chat about this kind of stuff is kind of the, you know, as good as it gets because you've got that general marketing manager, maybe there's a out of home person.

You get the digital team in the room. Everybody's working together. I feel like it gets a little more tougher when you're in the agency world, because a lot of, you know, there's a specific out of home team, that digital team, a lot of times, they're not very connected at all. And now you're kind of like pitching this digital portion onto an out of home plan.

It's like, what does that come out of, out of home dollars or does it become out a digital? So I feel like, you know, To have better integrations between some of these teams is definitely going to help conversations from, you know, people like us. Cause it's. It's kind of symbiotic, symbiotic and working together.

Um, I really think like, as an industry, just like talking about how out of home like really drives us online, you know, activations conversions, like there's a lot of, I'm always like looking for cool studies and stuff that are out there. I've definitely found some cool Nielsen ones and whatnot that like talk about kind of driving online.

So any case studies and that kind of stuff. I think it's good that we all share that regardless as if it's. Bus ads or static billboards or truck ads, whatever it is, like, say, Hey, this out of home is driving these online conversions. You know, this is what it's doing. Sure. And I had the opportunity to work on a campaign at Adams.

So I was at Adams. Um, I helped launch a, I guess we'll call it a product, but essentially it was the combination of billboards plus geo-fencing right. Hey, someone that saw this bill. Is going to get this ad and then we can target based on, are they female? Are they male what's the age and talk to the target items just like you were discussing earlier.

And, uh, and this was kind of the aha moment for me was when we did this with a nonprofit who helps homeless men get back on their feet. And, um, all I did was add some digital billboards, some geo-fencing to that and pointed it all back to their web. Yeah, two, three weeks into it. I log into Google analytics and their GA was set up beautifully and they had a great person on the board.

It was all organized, which is nice. And, uh, and we looked at conversion goals and they were up 39% for website donations. Traditionally nonprofits, right? It's $1 and $5 back, a lot of direct mail, direct response type of mindset. They were just doing. The billboards is like a nice to have. And here they are getting 39% more website donations called up the marketing director and said, did you guys do anything else different?

And is there something I should know here that would just put up the billboards? Oh, your website donations are up 39%. I just turned it on some digital awards, a little bit of geo-fencing Bob, that there there's there's there's stories like that. So for me, right, that sets the hook. And I said, I got to get more and I could just, every single time there's consistent proof in the pudding that this stuff really works.

Considering I hate to use the word fragmentation, but it's the right word out of home is, is fragmented. If I want to buy a Facebook ad, I go to Facebook. I buy a Facebook ad and then I'm done. I want to buy an out of home ad. There's a thousand different ways to do it. You guys have the con the conversion and the dashboard and everything internally.

What is it that advertisers or brands agencies. Find most appealing about the measurement in your experience. I think it's like at the start I were were to thought it was like, kind of, uh, like planning pre-planning. So being able to say, Hey, like I know that this truck is spending this time in this neighborhood.

We know it targets is it's getting these certain amount of impressions. It's like, but I think like since we've got into this more, it's really about the accountability. Brand manager or, you know, agency person that puts us on a plan and buys us, knows that every week or anytime they want, they can log on and get this hard data, this accountability right there.

So I feel like it's, like, I thought it was like going to be used for pre-planning and it's almost like a way to say, Hey, this is why we spent the dollars and this is where it was. That's powerful. That's powerful. I think that's a key takeaway too, um, of, of kind of getting out of our own way and really understand what is it that's most important to them because maybe we have a different idea and there's a, there's an easier path to, uh, to success for everybody like that.

You always think something then as once you get going on it, you learn. And isn't that funny how that works. So, Casey, we've come to the point in the show. Where I'm going to ask you a couple of questions. Questions from Carlos, Carlos, the Valley's, the marketing manager for InMotion, another, another great mobile billboard company out in California.

He said, Tim, can you start asking your guests a couple of questions? Um, and if you're game, we'll have a little fun and let's do it. Alright. So the first question, if you were not doing what you're doing right now with mafia, what would you be? I dunno, I'd be doing some sort of other entrepreneurial venture something cool.

I like doing like. Yeah, I I'm, I'm a builder. I like like kind of bringing stuff together, like bringing people together. I can't say like, you know, there's an X, I love what Elon Musk does. He's doing like rad, cool ideas. Either go bore a tunnel somewhere or fly around face. Like, that'd be cool. Cool. It would be cool.

What are you most excited about right now? It could be work. It could be not work. It could be whatever you're most excited about. I'm most excited about work right now. We're kind of, you know, I, I'm not going to say we're super COVID proof, but we've kind of been got out of this COVID proofs and like our network's looking good.

I just, I've kind of doubled down and just hired two sales guys to join us. Congratulations. Yeah, we're super excited to have Cody and Daryl joining us. So, um, yeah, we're just excited over the next, like kinda two to six months to see what happens in at home. And then yeah. As our technology rolls out more, we're excited to kind of dive into the licensing side of it more.

Uh, yeah, lots of cool opportunities. Really. Very cool. And are you a reader, a podcast guy. Where do you go for inspiration, motivation, or just unwind my guy. So, uh, I gotten into this guy. He is definitely changed my life for last. I got into him in August. I had some friends, uh, suggest them, but his name is Dr.

Joe Dispenza. Love Dr. Joe, Bob, that guy is awesome. I've drank a lot of Dr. Joe's Koolaid. I got it's a hundred dollars program, and then I amped up and bought his $300 program. And you is the juice worth? The squeeze I've considered. I have, when my life has went from, Ooh, it's going well. I've got an amazing anyone who's not familiar with Dr.

Joe Dispenza, encourage you go check this guy out. Right. He got hit by a truck at a triathlon and was supposed to be paralyzed or need back surgery. And he, he cured. Himself. He fixed his broken back by thinking about it. It's insane that he does all this. Like he's a doctor in like neuro-plasticity and like all this and quantum physics and all this stuff.

And he brings like, it's like meditation and thought on like, kind of your projections. It's like, I heard my mind out a lot. It's totally well here and I'm out and we're going to point this out. I won't speak for any previous guests, but I can tell you that that is a theme. Whether or not it's talked about in the episode or it's before and after that something that every guest has had in common is seeking a higher level of enlightened.

So it's not just about showing up and doing the work it's about doing the self work as well. I think that that's a great recommendation, Dr. Jackson. I'm Dr. Joe, every morning before I get going for the day I wake up maybe 7, 7 30, I'm 45 minutes to almost an hour of meditation today. Doctor amazing. It's amazing.

I do a, what I call, I call my power hour. Um, and I actually got it from a coach that was on Tom Billy's show impact. Cool every day, 20 minutes of intense sweaty exercise. Oftentimes I do it outside. So it's hot hoodie kettlebells, just getting it 20 minutes of intense exercise, 20 minutes of meditation immediately following, shifting that, that fight or flight nervous system.

And then 20 minutes of self-development, which, uh, for right now, Principles by Ray Dahlia, which is a master's class on business and life. So that's great, man. Thanks for sharing. Everybody should check Dr. Joe and he's cool. Check Dr. John to check you out. Casey, where should people go? Where are you most active?

How do they find you? How they learn more? Yeah, for sure. Like I'm on LinkedIn and bed. Uh, but like, if anybody wants to connect emails, like typically the best, I'm a, like I'll be on LinkedIn and stuff. So please add me, uh, shoot me a message for sure. Uh, it's just Casey Binkley. Um, Olivia, and then my email is Casey.

So C a S E Y at . M O V I a.media and a mafia is moving media combined into one word, smashed up the child. Love it. Yes. Awesome. We'll make sure to link out to all that stuff in the show notes and the description. Casey, it's been a pleasure. Thanks so much for doing this, man. I really appreciate you, Tim.

And to everybody that's out there listening. Uh, thanks so much hope everybody kills it and, uh, in a good way and makes it happen coming up here. So hope to connect and, uh, I'm sure we'll. Sounds good. And don't forget to click subscribe down below there in the corner. If you want to get swagged up, go to O O H swag.com.
