Ed Silhan teaches us about How DSPs Decide on DOOH and The Omnichannel Evolution

(IWC + EssenceMediacom) x Locala Case Study: https://asklocala.com/casestudy/iwc-foot-traffic-brand-engagement/
In this episode with Ed Silhan, CRO of Locala, we explore topics like the digitization of print and similarities with DOOH, how a mobile-first platform evolved into an omnichannel DSP, and bolt-on tools for publishers for planning and attribution.
Ed shares insights about the transformation from traditional print advertising to digital media, drawing parallels with the current evolution in digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising. The discussion highlights Locala's approach to programmatic advertising, audience targeting, and attribution across multiple channels.
- How Locala uses AI and location data to find hyper-local audiences at scale
- The portability of attribution capabilities, including foot traffic measurement for DOOH campaigns, for publishers and advertisers alike
- Panel Optimizer technology for DOOH optimization, launched in October, enables real-time audience targeting for brands and outcomes
- Device Graph 101 - what is it and why does it matter?
- Real-time optimization and reporting capabilities through customizable attribution windows
Connect with Ed and Locala
Website: www.asklocala.com
Learn more about their solutions and connect with Ed Silhan on LinkedIn for further discussions about omnichannel programmatic advertising solutions.
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