Nov. 12, 2019

OOH Insider - Episode 002 - Driving MORE foot traffic for your restaurant or foodhall

OOH Insider - Episode 002 - Driving MORE foot traffic for your restaurant or foodhall

We take a deep-dive into how a modern foodhall used traditional Out of Home Advertising, combined it with a turn-key Online strategy, and came up with a recipe for 48% MORE foot traffic.

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And there we go. Tim Rowe, out-of-home insider where we're bringing you tips, tricks and insider insights into the world of out-of-home advertising. How to make it more effective. Ultimately for your business and I'm getting ready to go on stage here this morning to talk to a whole bunch of college kids.

I'm pretty excited about that. So wanting to get this out to all of y'all, if you're hearing this, if you work in the out of home industry, if you're passionate about out of home, if you are an advertiser that had a super successful out of home campaign, or you love it, or you got questions, please reach out.

We'd love to have you as a guest. On the show that's proved to be one of the, uh, the challenging things here in the, in the early goings is we're trying to line up a lot of very exciting industry leading, uh, C-suite executives. And as we all know, they're super busy and they've got a lot of stuff going on.

So they've been very gracious in scheduling in a common. So we're always looking for more guests. If you think that you've got some questions you want answered, or you just want to share a really cool story, we would love to have you. So today's story is going to be about how we combine two rather, uh, traditional pieces of advertising, ultimately to make a really successful campaign across multiple spaces now, um, spaces that include the food hall space, uh, spaces that include non.

Spaces that included, heating and cooling. Ultimately it's just applying really good sound fundamentals to their out of home campaign and using really good technology to track and measure results. So let me see if I can share this here. If you've got a, if you're watching this somewhere, who listening to the podcast, I'm gonna walk you through what it all means here.

And let me just find the file I wanted to have for you. There it is. Bam. We're going to open that up here. I'm going to click show. And with any luck. Everybody watching this should be able to show, see this screen right now. I'm going to just blow this up right there as we sit and talk about it. So we have this really exciting, uh, new cover to the market, a modern food hall, if you will, or six or seven different restaurants in there, there's a celebrity chef that has a restaurant in.

It's located in, it's sorta hard to get to part of downtown Allentown if you're familiar with Eastern Pennsylvania. So parking is a challenge they went through and they worked out all the kinks and parking and worked with the parking authority to get free parking and some specific places to help facilitate people it's really getting to the market, but they were brand new brand new newcomer, everything that had been in this.

Previously the physical space where they actually have the food hall had failed. Um, so really it was, it was, uh, a bit of a hail Mary pass to make it work. So it started out with. We want to run outdoor. Love it. Awesome. Let's go. So we talked to them about our T our technology that would allow them to further deliver advertising to the people being exposed to the outdoor campaign.

So the idea of it, um, it was really this, that, Hey, we're going to, we're going to use a really geo uh, rather data-driven geo-specific. Approach to picking your outdoor locations. We're going to be very targeted with where we place your outdoor locations. And then ultimately we got to continue the conversation with your ideal target market.

That's being exposed to your outdoor message every single day, right? It's the same idea of Geico. Geico does everything because they want to talk to everyone everywhere because you never know when that person's ultimately. Going to be in need of car insurance would be shopping around. So we want to apply the same type of idea, be everywhere, but specifically to our target market.

So be everywhere to our target market, uh, and then have some really good technology to track whether or not it's actually working. So when we started that, we said, all right. We want to measure our sort of control group. That's people who are just seeing the outdoor campaign and they don't get any ads served to them online, or the continuation of message.

If you will. So week one, we measured how many people actually showed up at the market that saw the billboard, but didn't see an online ad. How did we do that while we did it with device IDs? You know, the handy-dandy device ID that, uh, That identifies your cell phone. So we see, we see the cell phone. This is not a self as a little camera.

So we see the cell phone drive past the billboard. We don't serve it any ads. And then we wait and see if it shows up. And for every hundred people that passed the billboard about two, two and a quarter, if there's a quarter person, if you know a quarter person, maybe they brought a kid there for every hundred people that just saw the bill.

Within our target demo, which was females. We were attracting women 25 to 55 because we knew that that was the core audience. So everyone sees the billboard, but we want to measure the activity. How did we actually impact our target audience are on target percentage, um, with our advertising. So for every hundred women that we were tracking past this billboard, uh, two of them showed up at the market.

Yay. That's awesome. Great. We're reaching our target audience and we're getting them to show up. In week one, when we combine that same out of home campaign with the continuation of message component continued serving ads to those individuals online, we saw almost four showing up in the first week at the end of a four week cycle.

What did that ultimately look like? Well, at the end of week four, when women twenty-five to 55 passed the billboard and got served the ad on their phone. Bruh for every hundred that we did that to five of them would show up at the business. That's pretty exciting, right? It'd be able to track the tangible result.

That's pretty exciting. Uh, on the other side, for everyone that saw only the billboard again on target audience women, 25 to 55 years old, four out of every hundred, three and a half. Showed up to the market. So what we can see is that the longer message was in the market. The more effective it was, right?

The blue line is your natural conversion rate. That's the billboard only the orange line is billboards com combined with online advertising. So when we combine the two, what we see is that week, one of the outdoor plus online campaign. Converted better than week four of billboard by itself. So if you're considering doing outdoor, if you've got to compress time, period, if you've got a buy now offer, if you're looking to move into a market quickly, if you're looking to disrupt a market quickly, combining the two mediums is really the most effective way to do it.

And this approach, it was ultimately effective in delivering about 50% more. Um, conversion and tracking people who actually saw the ads and showed up, uh, now an important. Um, this campaign specifically is it was actually, it's actually a 12 week campaign and we see the results continue to go up. So I'll definitely report on them.

At a later episode, a week five has already peaked 5% for the outdoor plus online. So for every hundred women that see it, five of them show up now, ultimately it's really important for your business to determine, um, how let's see. I'm just going to stop this share here, make myself big again. It's ultimately determined, uh, important to.

Who is your target audience? How much are they each worth? And this is an important thing to consider. So if women 25 to 55 are my target audience, what is the value of getting. Well, is it just the one or is it that we know that for every one person from that target audience that we get to show up, that they bring two friends and that the average ticket size for one person is $20.

So really the value of one is 60 bucks, not 20. So definitely consider all of those things. When you're setting up your next campaign, who is my perfect customer, how am I going to track? Ultimately, what is the value of getting more people to show up to my business or call or take action? What's the value of that?

What's the lifetime value of that. If I compound this over time, really important here, we're looking at a sample size of a hundred people, right? So for every hundred people that got the ad that saw the billboard and the online ad, five of them would show up for every hundred that only saw the billboard three and a half.

What's really important is let's compound that let's make it, uh, I don't know, 10,000. Let's make it 10,000. Hopefully I'm good enough on the half of this quick math, right? So a hundred times that is that. Okay. So it should be, instead of five people showing up, if it's 10,000, it should be 500 people versus 350.

How much. With 150 additional customers mean to your business. And if you knew that each of those hundred and 50 brought two friends and that the average ticket size was $20, then you'd know that that hundred and 50 actually meant 450 times $20, which a is 900 bucks. If I'm not missing. The $900 difference.

Now that's just for a restaurant. So that's, that's their story, but what about for a nonprofit? What about for a nonprofit that for every $1 they put into advertising. They need to see at least one back to break even, but most non-profits, they're looking for a return of between five and $7 for every one that they put out into the market.

We've got another great story of an advertiser who did exactly that the exact same campaign, but instead of saying, Hey, we've got a target audience, that's this. We just wanted to talk to everybody. Everybody that sees our outdoor campaign, we want to continue talking to them online and. Let them make the decision of whether or not they like to donate.

And the very first month they change nothing else to their advertising. And the very first month online donations were up 30%. That's right up 30% in the first month. It's really exciting. So don't take my word for it. Facebook just put out an awesome study that, that, uh, Facebook, when combined with out of home is even more, more effective.

Facebook does at-home Amazon, Netflix, Google. Everybody does out of home. Nobody talks about it because it's the best kept secret in the advertising toolbox. Uh, you know, we're going to look back probably someday and we're going to say, Hey, you know, out of home was maybe. Unnerved valued on a cost per thousand standpoint.

The most undervalued, uh, at piece of advertising that we had in our entire portfolio was the most effective piece of the campaign. Fill the top of the funnel. If you have out of home, as much as may go ahead, click like click subscribe, share this with somebody else. And if you're interested in becoming a guest, we'd love to have you on the show.

We'll definitely have some great guests coming up here over the coming. We've got Jonathan Good dye coming from a domino. We've got Kim Frank coming from geo path stall. Lot of big hitters left here for just 2019, 2020 is going to be an even bigger year. So from all of us, which is just me here at out of home insider, we're signing off.