OOH Insider - Episode 009 - The Secrets to Getting Found on Google

Does your business invest in advertising?
If so, you'll want to tune in to this episode!
It happens all of the time...
A business jumps into a big campaign, the creative is great and we're all over the radio. We are so close to the advertising that we remember everything about it, but what about your customers?
What will THEY remember?
Just a tagline?
Maybe only one word?
Is it a #hashtag?
If your advertising works, people will look for you online but would you customers even find you if they looked?
Your business may be wasting THOU$AND$ of dollars a month on advertising if you've overlooked any of these fundamentals.
Sam Clark has a great way to make complex ideas simple and easy to execute.
Whether you're a law firm or a pest control company, Sam shares the secrets he sees that cost businesses money in bad vendor selection and he shares those secrets with you...the secrets of connecting with your customers when they look.
Connect with Sam on Linked in here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/samuelpeterclark802atl/
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Ever ever. And, uh, Sam, do you want to take a second there? Did you want to sit, share this out to your, uh, let me, uh, let me load your page up real quick. And just so while Sam does that, if anybody's joining us, probably saw it just now in the description, this is going to be one of the most important sessions that you pay attention to all the 2020 Sam is joining us from an undisclosed location right now.
And I'm just kidding, special time for us to be able to have this conversation. So whether you're seeing this on YouTube for the first time, listening to it on the podcast version, you're going to want to pay attention. We're going to talk about a lot of really important stuff. You're spending any money on advertising whatsoever.
Making sure that you have the fundamentals in place that Sam's can talk about today could be the key to unlocking your biggest year ever. So I'm gonna check in with.
Hey guys, are you ready? Oh yeah. Cool. All right. Well, Hey, here it is. So check it out ladies and gentlemen, if you're here, it's because you want to get better out of home insider show, where we bring you tips, tricks and insider insights. And today we're talking all about SEO. What happened to me? And I shared this story with Sam and when we started talking to Matt and we said, you know what?
There's just a ton of, there's a, there's a conversation that needs to happen here. I saw a billboard, um, great billboard, got my attention, right? That's what it's supposed to do. It got my attention. And it got me to Google. The thing that was on the billboard, unfortunately, what happened was that the only thing I can remember from the billboard was the tagline.
When I Googled the tagline, I couldn't find the restaurant. I was so frustrated and it probably took me truthfully an extra 15, 20 minutes finally, cause I needed to go find a picture of the bill. It was a total pain in the. I ended up eating their food is great. Service was great, but there was a huge disconnect from the advertising.
So the actual online experience and Sam, right before we kicked off the show, you had said something to me that I was like, what the hell does that mean? Sam told me that the out of home insider ranks and I was like, that sounds good, Sam. What's it mean to rank for something when people type it into. So that simply means that when a keyword term business name, uh, maybe even your business slogan is entered into Google or another search engine that you appear on the first page, uh, ideally you want to appear first.
Um, but if you're a second or third, it's not the end of the world. Um, and today we're talking about SEO, uh, which is how we rank higher. Um, so for anybody that is watching this live or on YouTube, uh, I want you guys to let us know what SEO stands for below, but we're going to do this with a twist. I only want wrong answers for this acronym.
Okay guys. So, uh, if you know what SEO stands for, leave a below, but do not leave the right answer. Okay. Uh, now that we've got that out of the way, SEO is an acronym for search engine optimization. This is the practice of tailoring the information on your website to show relevant information. Um, the easiest way to think about this is if you want a super case idea and you type in, I just want the most super cases ever to Google, you're going to see some great case ideas on Google images.
In fact, you might even find a restaurant named super case India. Um, they rank very highly for large case a D S um, so there's a lot of different ways we can kind of tackle SEO and a lot of different things that we can do that help boost our website presence. Um, some of these things are going to be making sure that your webpage.
Our index, which that means that Google knows you exist. They know that there is content on your pages. Um, another thing would be real quick on the, on the indexing part. What does, what does that mean to index? Does it just mean to have a page built on your website? Is that something that a business owner or marketing director needs to do?
Is that something that your website companies should do? What does it mean index and who's ultimately responsible for making sure that we're indexing for something? Um, well you definitely need to have a webpage to be index. If you don't have any content, there's nothing to share. Um, Think of it. When you look at the back of an owner's manual or a textbook, and you're looking for a specific category within that owner's manual, they've got the index there.
Um, and that tells you what type of content is within that page. And usually it's a category of some sort. So when you're, when you index to Google, this is the responsibility of the website, owner or administrator. Um, you didn't need administrative access to index your webpage through the Google search console.
And it pretty much says, this is what I have. This is where it is. Um, and that allows people to kind of see little snippets of what's available when they search for a specific term. Would you say then it's, before we do any sort of advertising. Regardless of what type of business you're in. It sounds like it's probably pretty important to make sure that those things are happening.
Is that a fair statement? Like have that stuff in place before we run ads, billboards online live before we do any of that stuff. Sounds like that should be step one. Uh, at a basic level. Yes, you do. You want to make sure it is done. Um, and then as you add new content, new campaigns, new, uh, landing pages, you want to make sure those are showing up on Google as well.
Uh, chances are, they'll probably just pop right up unless you get a search console errors and then you fix them and, um, you go forward. So, so, so for something like that for maybe a small business owner that they run a detail shop, let's say, and they're, they're busy getting new customers, doing payroll.
They're busy doing all these things. So they have somebody like you, a consultant or an agency that they work with. What sort of things should that business owner be asking to make sure that they're working with someone who's qualified now assume that the business owner doesn't know anything other than how to get onto Google?
Let's assume they know nothing about what we know. What sort of questions should they be asking? Are there red flags, things that are just not correct, but get spun really frequently within this space? What, what do you see? What do you see? That makes a good SEO partner. Um, okay. You definitely threw me for a loop at the end.
I thought you were just going to be asking about the indexing of the search console. Um, were they good SEO partner? I would say you need to definitely question their credentials and see what they've done in the past. An easy way to do this is by inspecting what you expect. So getting examples of what they've previously done, um, like their webpage, seeing what type of data they have, they're making sure that the data they have is set up correctly, um, and then seeing how their web pages perform, um, are all types of things at a very simple level that you can get from a, a.
Marketer and say, okay, uh, here's how fast you say you can make my website. Here's how many people you can show it to how many people, uh, are actually wanting to click on it based on your past performance. Uh, and here's what you've done to make sure that, uh, the information that we have is relevant and current.
Okay. So really, so it sounds like find somebody that has previous work, right? You don't want to be the first one that they work with. So, so find somebody with some previous work. Um, definitely make sure that it's in line with your brand, your standards. Is this going to be, uh, a good part? They might be a great person really, really, uh, knowledgeable, but maybe they don't have the design.
Style that fits my brain. So it sounds like finding somebody that just 1 0 1 can build a website that fits into what my company does. So yeah, probably. And there's, there's a lot of different people out there that can build you a website. Um, and nobody's going to tell you that they're awful at things except for me.
Uh, so listen, like I've got a client right now who spent $15,000 with a website company. And guess what they don't have. If you guessed a website, you'd be correct. $15,000 with a website company that couldn't produce it because the minute things got technical, it came out that they were actually outsourcing the build of the website.
Is that if let's say I sat down with somebody and they seem like they really knew what they were talking about, I liked the portfolio and I asked them, Hey, do you do this in-house or do you outsource it? Does it matter? It does. Do I think like a general contractor, if they're a good general contractor, does it matter if it's outsource?
What's your opinion on that? Should. By the person you're doing business with, or what are we overlooking? It's pretty common nowadays. And like the entrepreneurial space for people that are scaling up agencies and, uh, kind of starting out their businesses, um, we're even are established to get VAs or virtual assistants.
A lot of times they're based out of the Philippines or other countries where English is a second language. Uh, labor is pretty cheap. We're talking just a couple bucks an hour for things that you or I would probably build 10 times four at least. Um, so there's a lot of cost saving there. There's also a lot of very talented people out there.
Um, you know, I've worked with software teams in India before that are way more capable of building applications, programs, websites than I am. Um, so it really kind of depends on the team. If they are outsourcing, you kind of want to know whether their technical expertise is where their limitations are. Um, and.
Chances are, if they can get their website to rank on Google and you know, everything looks good, it feels good. It's fast. Um, you know, they're a good partner for you. That's an interesting point. So, so two things that you said that are really interesting, one that it's okay to outsource if they have the capabilities that you need, if the past work reflects.
So it, I guess the, the analogy of a general contractor really starts to make sense, right? If, if, Hey, I've got Sam Clark here, he's the best website general contractor that I know, right? You don't have to be the best plumber. You don't have to be the best electrician. You just need to be the best at putting the best people together to get the job done correctly and on.
And on budget. Right? Kind of, yeah. It's kind of funny you say that to him. Cause uh, I actually worked in, uh, project management for a software company before for quite a few years. So, uh, I was kind of the general contractor of, uh, the application specifications and uh, you know, I decided I really liked websites and the technology and I'm not a programmer by any means.
I can put together code, I can research it. I can figure out what works, but you know, um, the same reason you don't want me putting a shower head on is the same reason you don't want me writing your Java script. It's it's great. Cause I was thinking about this on the way in this morning, knowing that we were going to have this conversation later.
That it's sort of like running a relay race. I could run all four legs. That's not true. I couldn't run all four legs of the four by one,
walk it, but someone could, they could run the whole race by themselves, but it's not a race that's designed to be run by yourself. Right. I run a hundred meters. I hand it off to Sam. Sam runs his hundred meters. He hands it off to the next guy. It really can be a team sport. If you've got the right people in place and vetting out that vendor for your website, build for your SEO is really a, sounds like a pretty important step to get, right.
Because if we can get that right. Now we've got a good foundation to build up off of. So we've vetted that person out. We made sure that they're the right fit. What's the stuff costs like what should SEO cost? I feel like there's a thousand different variations. And then, you know, you may provide a service that's 10 times the value of the next guy, but because you're twice the price, you don't even get a shot.
What, what, how is price, like how does SEO even work in terms of what I pay for? What do I get? Uh, so that's a very good question. And there's kind of two things I want to touch on there. One of them is you said finding people that know what they're doing and kind of the general contractors that I've known, they have their electrician, they trust with their life.
You know, he's not gonna break. They brought their plumber, that they know that things aren't going to leak through the roof. They've got their guy that does siding. They've got their guy that builds door jams or framing or whatever. And these are all people they've worked with and trust. Um, so like for example, I'm not a Facebook ads guy.
I can audit them. I can kind of optimize them. I can look at maybe why something's not working on there, but I'm not building Facebook ads from the ground up. It's just not something I do where I find someone like Nicholas Reed at two, five free media. I talked to him for a little bit. He shows me what he's doing.
I'm like, dude, this is something that I have not seen before. This is like another level, no one in the space is doing this. Your results are phenomenal. Like yeah, sure. There might be like, you know, uh, some tidying up, you know, wire management. I would call it kind of bust up zip ties here and there. But you know, it's like really good stuff, got a hundred percent trust.
Um, So, uh, the next part of that, sorry, what was the second part of the question? Okay. You know, uh, I don't remember because we started talking about Nicholas and he said, I just liked Nicholas so much. I want to be like, you know, that's a partner I trust. No, but I think it's important. I think it's especially important, you know, considering.
Right. So, so how could this all work together? The cost. Thank you. The most, that's the most important part everybody's sitting there. Hopefully now where's my money. God, Sam brought us back because Tim is not enough coffee. Yeah. So what should the cost, like, what do I pay for, what do I get? I've heard of pay for performance SEO.
What's that mean? I just unpack the whole cost thing and what I should be expecting as a business owner. So this is really a sliding scale type of question because, uh, it's everybody needs something. Uh, think of it like when you, you know, buy a cell phone or, you know, you go to, you see the new iPhone advertised at four ninety nine, and then you go in there and you realize that the base model doesn't even have enough room for the whole operating system.
So you need to get the bigger, hard drive. And then you're like, well, I really liked the third camera, so you need to get the third camera on it. And then you can't walk into the store without a case on your thousand dollar phone. And. You know how much these screens cost for repair. You definitely need to get that invisible shield.
And, uh, you know, that, that wireless charger. So like everybody needs some different level of help and everybody has some different needs in their life or their accessory case. So, I mean, it could start out saying you might just need a very simple website and you're looking like minimum, probably $300 just to, just to buy the domain name, if it's cheap and to get your hosting squared away, um, stuff like that.
Um, from there you either need to build it yourself or you need to pay someone to do it. Um, I think a pretty standard rates probably about $250 a paid for something that's not crazy, crazy advanced if you want to start doing stuff. Um, just, just to, just to clarify what that means. That's to, let's say I have a website, I've got my homepage an about us page, the products I have at a contact page.
Would that be like a four page website? Uh, that sounds about right. Um, like for a restaurant you might only need a one page website, for example, where you've got your daily specials, you've got your menu, you've got your location, your phone number, your hours. Um, but then you can also break those up into individual pages.
So when somebody wants to view your menu, they're actually going directly to the menu link. For example, that'd be a separate page. And, um, most websites, you know, probably gonna need to be at least four or five pages. So you're probably looking at least a thousand dollars when you get into things like products and, um, maybe specialized integrations.
That's when things can start getting a lot more expensive. Um, for example, if we're doing product pages, I can't just put four products on a page, I'm going to need a landing page for each product. We're going to need a checkout page. You know, we're going to need to process payments. Uh, so all those things can add up, um, in terms of like SEO optimization that, um, That depends how big your website is too.
And that depends on the type of things you're selling or the types of things you're doing, where if you're a pest control company, you probably have a pretty simple website unless you have like online scheduling or something. But if you're an e-commerce website, you could have hundreds of products and there could be a lot more research to put it into each product and what people are doing.
So that's a really good point and sliding scales the right way to describe it. Uh, I appreciate you adding color to that. So how does a business owner protect themselves from either getting overcharged and sold too much or not getting enough? Is it, is it checking other sites in this space? Would you say there's sort of a, a general rule of thumb?
Every business should have at least five pages are the core five pages that they should have. How do you, how do you keep yourself from getting taken advantage of, uh, uh, I definitely don't think every business needs five pages and there's a lot that need way more than five pages. Um, just like when you're shopping for a car or internet.
Call around, um, ask for reviews, you know, knock on your neighbor's door and say, Hey, how fast is your Comcast connection? You know, or then go to the next neighbor. Hey, how fast is your at and T um, how much does it cost? Um, so especially like when you are working in a niche space, like even pool repair, there's a couple of pool repair companies.
You probably know what your buddy does. You've probably met him before, probably shake hands you say, Hey man, listen, um, I'm looking for someone or even if it's not in your same vertical, if you're a business owner, you know, other business owners, they have resources. They have had somebody to do it before business owners.
If they care, say, yeah, my website looks great or, uh, you know, there's something missing. It could do a little bit. That's great. That's really helpful information. So you and I were talking a little bit before we went live here and you had brought up a great suggestion. I'm a tie it back to a point that you made early on about using the giggle giggle, ego ego, let Google, Google the Google keyword planner, um, to sort of look at what are people looking for is, is the Google keyword planner.
Is that a good place? To go, where should your SEO person be using that to see, Hey, what type of things are people searching for? If you're a business owner, hearing this for the first time, Google keyword planner shows a historical search activity for different keywords. And those things could be like pest control service near me, or, or something a little bit more abstract.
Is that a place that you, if you were looking at all right, I'm building out this pool company's website. I want to see what, what are people looking for in this area? Is Google keyword planner. The only place that you'd go to, to look for what people are looking for, or are there other tools out there? And can you really tell how many people are looking for a thing in a market and you be able to connect them using se.
Um, so you can always take a look at what your competition is doing. Um, so, you know, as a business owner, you may or may not have the time to go to every competitor's website. You may or may not understand enough about their website to know exactly what they are doing and who they're targeting. Um, I really liked the keyword planner because it helps me know what people are looking at now.
Keyword planner is made for paid advertising. Um, but I really like it for organic advertising because it gives me a base plan of if somebody is interested in something or if there's too much competition, like interesting 10, you know, the most popular truck in America. Is it the Ford F150. Yeah. So if you died for it up on the 50 into Google, the competition is ridiculous.
Ford's website is always going to rank above you, but you know, when people get to the buying phase, they're probably going to be looking for colors, trims, drive, train engines, that kind of stuff can help narrow it down. And when you say, okay, well there's nobody searching for like gray 2020s and like, whatever, but they're looking for four wheel drive, super calves and this trim level, um, that's the exact, okay.
Here is my point where I'm not competing with every single person on the planet, but I'm also still reaching people that are looking for something. And a lot of times with services, you kind of need to take a step back and think what the customer might actually want. So. Like, if we use the pest control example, they probably have like some crazy chemicals that come in a giant shipping container and, you know, have to go through biohazard checkpoints or whatever.
And they've got technical names for their mosquito, repellents and Roach killing traps or whatever they do the customer. Isn't going to understand the chemical names or, you know, maybe like their in-house processes. So you might want to think about, okay, if I've got a problem, what is the average person going to look for?
And that's another really nice part of the keyword planner is that it gives you search suggestions. So, you know, there's a lot of cinnamons and cinnamons out there. So if you are looking for one thing, this might say, well, this is pretty close. And people actually like this. That's really helpful and a great way to look at because sometimes when we are too close to a thing in the industry, we use industry speak.
We use buzzwords that only make sense in our language. And people are like, what the hell are you talking about? And Google keyword planner, it sounds like it gives you that more objective. This is what real people who want to do business with you. These, these are the words that they're typing and this is how they talk.
So it sounds like in a lot of ways, it makes you an even better business. And understanding what your customers may be going through on the other side, when they're trying to find you. And if we can understand that, then it makes it really easy to find each other. What I forgot to mention at this point, Sam, is that you're from hot Lanta, right?
You're you're in the aids. I'm from Vermont. I live in Atlanta.
There's this giant sign at the airport that says don't call it hotline. No, they're using outdoor advertising to prevent people from calling it Atlanta. Interesting. Interesting. They better tell you that I haven't been on a flight in like a year, but it's definitely there. Well, the reason I bring it up is because you brought up some great examples of businesses and brands that you've seen local in your market.
And one of them is a law for my thing, like an associates. And they sort of had an interesting tagline. And it sounds like unlike my restaurant, who didn't rank for their tagline sounds like they've done some things to make sure that they are. Can you elaborate on that? Um, yeah. So in Atlanta, unfortunately we do have giant billboards.
Those are outlawed in the beautiful state of Vermont. We like our, uh, it doesn't mean that, uh, none of the billboards are great, you know? Um, so Mulligan associates is a law firm here that I, thankfully haven't had to employ. Um, they probably help injured people or people that got arrested and I don't want to be either.
Um, so they have all these signs all over and it says things are looking up and like it usually portrays someone. Uh, had an unfortunate situation is now going to get a wicked big settlement coming to them, probably going to retire for 30 days till they spend it all. Um, so, uh, so I didn't remember Martin looking at associate's name is actually a couple of different, uh, and associates law firms here.
And another one also starts with an M real quick. I'm sure if you're an attorney listening to this, you are probably a law firm that has an associates and partners or multiple names within the title of your firm. So it's probably even easier to be remembered for a tagline or a thing that it's going to be for your name.
Be sort of, yeah. Especially like with, um, how interesting spelling can be, um, in the great state of Georgia. Um, there's a lot of. Names. And, uh, you know, when you're passing by something at 80 miles an hour, you don't catch every single letter all the time. I don't remember the tagline. Things are looking up and you went back to Google and what happened?
I typed it in and, um, nothing about them showed up. Interesting. So their advertising was good enough that you remembered it and that you were able to talk about them. And obviously we were cheating here. We know the name of the firm, um, because you know, Sam took the time to, to, to find them eventually, but they spent all this money, got Sam to do the thing that they want people to do, look them up online, and they missed an opportunity, but there's an opposite approach still within the legal space, my bald lawyer, which I thought was pretty hysterical when he sent that to me and I just Googled it and sure enough, they ranked what's my bald lawyer doing so differently.
Um, he has something unique. So if I tell you things are looking up to. There's a lot of different things that are looking up, you know, uh, it could be like, uh, you could get a dictionary definition, like, uh, improvements are on the horizon. That sounds more complicated and things are looking up, but there's a lot of different things that will pop up with things are looking up.
So my vault lawyer, there's only one bald lawyer out there. Let's just do this live. Right. How about this? I'm going to, I'm going to share my screen. Um, cause I thought that this was pretty cool. Sam, if you can let me know if you can see my screen, then that means everybody else can see Sydney started, but I can't see it yet.
Oh wait. It would help if I opened the right screen. Hang on. How about that one? Um, Geo path. I don't know what that is. That's the one I hit. So I'm just going to type in my balls. Now I did do this on my phone the other day, and I am logged into my, you do this, Tim? Yep. Uh, you know what the incognito tabs are.
Okay. Well, my bald Lord is going to show up on top anyways, but for businesses that are evaluating their own performance, um, you don't want to use your signing Google account for your search. And the reason why is because you've probably typed in your business name before, um, there's a lot of cookies and other information, your search history, all that kind of stuff.
That's going to influence your searches in your regular web browser. So the incognito windows kind of give you a fresh open, nothing saves, start where you can see, okay, this is how somebody else. Got it. So I just typed in my bald lawyer into an incognito window. And, um, well, sure enough, there's a whole bunch of stuff about this bald lawyer and pictures of his billboards and, uh, press releases.
Lawyer uses his head and bald lawyer ad campaign. I mean, look at this, look at all this. This is crazy. Oh yeah. He's got, he's got YouTube videos showing up on the first page. There's multiple, multiple people talking about him, linking out to his website. He, like you said, billboards showing up all over the place.
It turns out this guy actually has a name too. It's his. I'm sure he does. And I'm sure he doesn't care if you know it or not, because I haven't put it on any billboard. Why wouldn't you? Right. He's got the Mr. Clean look and thing with a suit injured. Don't pull out your hair. My Baltimore. I didn't see that one.
That's awesome. Yeah. I mean, shoot, he, even he ranks for, I guess he ranks for billboard. Oh yeah. He probably has this where's that pick, uh, let me check the images. It's a little bit image results, injury lawyer with inbound marketing. These are the rules that talking about his billboards and they're probably using really good metadata we can or tags so that people know what, what this image is because otherwise.
A picture of a bald guy. Nobody knows that his law firm and how great is this now, now we're now we're to the website. We're really going through the customer journey here. We saw this billboard it's memorable. It's easy to remember the website. The URL is what's on the billboard and it's a bald lawyer.
Like it's pretty easy to figure out Google. They've done everything right. To make sure it all connects and look at this scrolling across the screen, all the huge settlements that they've gotten, all the different types of cases that they work with. I'd say it's pretty buttoned up, um, top, top to finish top to bottom, if you will.
But, um, so this is an example of an attorney, really doing a good job. Uh, I'm Sam, I got a game for us. I thought that would be a little bit of fun to play, uh, is a too far game. So let me give you. Yeah. So I'm going to go back to that geo path screen because I want to show off just how cool outdoor advertising is.
And we've talked about SEO, we've talked about the importance of your website ranking for the words that are in your advertising, making sure that it's cohesive, making sure you're working with a qualified marketing general contractor. If you will, to put all of these things together, because if you're spending any money on advertising whatsoever, it's gotta be cohesive.
And even if you're not spending money on advertising your business in 2020, your website's gotta be tight. Your search engine optimization, that's going to help you peel off a portion of the people that are looking for either your brand, the products and services that you offer. It's going to get you some free opportunities just for being in business, just for having a good website.
So if we wanted to get even bigger and Sam, this is where we'll play our little game. I'm going to start by picking Atlanta, and then I'm going to let you pick the rest of the stuff along the way. So this is a tool called geo path. This is a tool for, um, for outdoor advertising, uh, operators that were companies.
Um, it could be for buses, it could be for transit bus shelters. It could be for digital screens that you see at the mall. This is a tool used by the out of home industry that combined six different data sources and mobile device ID data. And what it does is it allows us to understand behaviors in the real world, translate them to billboards and help advertisers to make really good, efficient marketing decisions.
So let's say I'm a business in Atlanta proper. I'm going to click apply there. That's going to change that. And, uh, Sam, up to you pick a business type. Uh, is this, so I see a lot of domestic light beer in front of us, Tim. Um, so should I only be picking a beer business type or it's just, that's just the order that it starts in.
You can pick anything. Pretend I've got nothing on the screen right now. I usually like to start with domestic light beer too. Um, so a business type, um, let's pick up, let's pick Mexican restaurants or tacos. That's one of my favorite things. Okay. Is this a dine-in? Is this a takeout type place? Sit down.
What, what what's the I'm eating my tacos hot, man. I'm not taking anything to go. It was hot. So we're going out. Date nights, taco Tuesday. I'm trying to go someplace where I can get a fresh taco, maybe a tequila flight someplace. I can sit down and have a nice dinner. We're not spending. Sound like the place you want to go.
Oh yeah, definitely. All right. Cool. So what I can do here is I can start typing in something like dining. Well, it looks like I din quick service restaurant, as you can see most of the quick service restaurants that we all know and love, but let's say, all right, we're looking for a sit down style restaurant, any sit down like a specific business in this maybe chilies.
Um, it probably doesn't like mom and paws, like little taco stand down. So I'll show you, I'll show you how we can do that. So let's say, let's say you're a great family owned Mexican restaurant and you know, um, you know, of a couple of Mexican Mexican. So we're gonna, this is any Mexican restaurant that someone's done that in the last 30 days, we're going to look at just the Atlanta.
We're going to click apply. It's going to run very slow because we're live here and this is pulling from a lot of different data sets. But what we're going to start to look at here is let's say we just wanted to do digital billboards, electronic billboards, because we want to do, um, specials. And we don't just want to do specials.
We want to do a weather triggered, creative that as soon as it gets above 85 degrees, our margarita specials go up on our digital billboard and talk about how you can get a picture of Marguerite is for seven. All right. That's something that you can do without a home is weather triggered creative. So now I'm just going to select the billboards that are relevant to these people here.
Let me, uh, let me just make sure that nothing is selected here. I think that I might still have something from, and while you're doing this, I really got to know what kind of tequila we're putting in these marks for a $7 pitcher, because that's going to make, it's definitely something silver. We're classy here on the out-of-home insider shelf.
So here we go. You can see it's starting to sort out and we start to see where some of those locations are. You see here, Kimball bridge. I don't know if that's a popular spot for you that, but we're looking at Atlanta. We're looking at, we're going to look at the digital billboard inventory, and let's just say, you know what?
I want to find the top 25, that best match my target composition. That best match my target audience. Now, again, this map is processing a ton of data and oftentimes does lag a little bit. What I'm going to do is I'm a slide us over. And what we can see is that it's broken down these different billboard locations.
You see this little percentage off to the right hand side here. This means that 32% of the exposed impressions. So if there's a hundred people that drive past at each day, 32 of those impressions are going to be to somebody who has eaten at a Mexican restaurant in the last 30 days. So in terms of being on target and getting your message in front of the right people, now you can do that without a home by using a tool like geo paths with the, on just the right locations.
But you still might say, yeah, but Tim billboards, they're frigging expensive, man. Like it's a ton of money. I that's great that 35% of my impressions are on. But I really need to be efficient here. The cool part about this is if it's an advertiser, that's really looking to make a play in the market and they've got a budget outdoor advertising drives more search than TV, radio, and print combined.
That means if you were spending 5,000 on TV, 5,000 on radio, 5,000 on the newspaper, $15,000, if you spent $5,000 with out of home advertising, you would get a greater return in terms of search engagement. Let's say of how it, how valuable is it to an SEO strategy to have more people looking for the things that you are actively, including in your SEO strategy?
Is that, is that important search volume? Search volume is absolutely important. Um, what's also important is what you do with that search volume. So, um, you want the people actually clicking, um, just the, if they don't, if they see you on Google and they don't actually do anything with seeing you on Google.
Okay. Um, if they get to your website and it's really, really slow, and you have a high bounce rate, you're, you know, acquiring a lot of people that just kind of knock on your door and leave. Um, so it's important. We got it. We got to help people want to find you, right. We gotta let enough people know you exist.
We gotta make it easy for them to get to you once they do go look for you. And then once they're there, it's gotta be a good experience, right? Like you're not gonna leave your brick and mortar Mexican restaurant looking all disheveled. That's sort of gross. So your pipeline should really be a representative.
Would you say, would you say that the website in 2020, would you say the website's even more. Oh, definitely. I mean, like, Your website is pretty much everything nowadays. Um, obviously if your food is not good, I'm not coming back. But if I can't find you, I'm never coming there in the first place. And if I don't know what your pricing is, like, if I don't know what you have available, if I can't smell it through my phone, I'm probably gonna look somewhere else.
You know, that's the soundbite of the session. If you can't smell it through my phone, look for somebody. I can't see that crispy cheese on the case case, the da, like, you know, if it's not like crispy, like in my mouth, like taste it. Sorry. That was my screen protector. I just spent like, like I'm getting hungry, but, but you're right.
You're right. And, and so I'm going to, I'm going to share my screen again. Um, because there's a part two to this game and I want to make sure that I've got the right screen here, here. There we go. Uh, so we talked about being on target. We talked about the efficiency of outdoor advertising in terms of driving search.
As a matter of fact, it also drives more social engagement. That's Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, uh, drives more social engagement. And TV, radio and print combined as well. So if you're doing any of those traditional mediums, um, and you're not too sure if things are working anymore, how door could be the way to go to not only get more efficient, but also to quantify it because what are the tools available in the Anaheim space is something like this and this from a company actually out of North Carolina called reveal mobile and how we use a tool like this.
And let's just continue with the Mexican restaurant example is Sam, you come to me and he said, Tim, I need to get more people in my restaurant need to get more people, look me up on Google. I need you to get more people on my website. I just need more say, okay, well, let's look at the people that are already coming to you, right?
They've gone through that entire funnel. They, they heard about you. They looked for you. They tried you out. They been there. Well, those people are going to start to demonstrate a behavior that is not all that unique. We like to think that we're unique snowflakes. We're really not all that unique. And when we start to look at data like this, I could set a geo-fence around your location, that filters out all of your employees and then monitors the behavior of customers.
Where do they live? 81% of your customers live within 25 miles. Well, what does that 25 miles look like? That's 25 miles could be a circle. It could be a square, or it could be completely linear like this, right along the main thoroughfare. Where do your customers work? You see how those different hotspots start to change.
So let's say you were trying to influence somebody on their way home from work for dinner. Well, I know that the majority of my customers, they work over here. And they live right here and it looks like Bethlehem proper. So if they're over here, what are the routes that they use to get here? And if I know that where they work and live, and I also know other places that they may be go to die.
I can start to look at those places. Well, what is it that they like about going there? Is it that they have a great selection of special combinations for dinner? Is it the ambience? What is it that makes those other places unique? So now I know how frequently customers come, right? I can tell how, how often my, my best customers are there.
What are other ways that I can get my best customers to come back one extra time a month? Because if I'm a restaurant owner and I can get my customer come back 12 extra times a year. And my average ticket's $20 while I just made an extra $240, I added $240 to the lifetime value of my customer. By having information like this by proper planning process to your out-of-home strategy.
So having information like this on the forefront, I can say, Sam, this is what we know about your customer, and we're going to target the. Uh, those diners have Mexican restaurants. We're going to look for locations that are right in and around here, because those are the ones that make the most sense based on what we know historically about your business, what we know about customers, or it shows in your business, is this anything that you've seen before Sam and, and don't, don't feel like you need to glorify me here, but have, are there conversations like this taking place you work with so many different businesses, is anybody as a media partner bringing ideas like this, from what you've seen to the, to the small business space?
Um, I think that this is a pretty neat, and I've never worked with anyone that runs billboards before. Um, I didn't really realize that they actually geo-targeted those things I figured they just, uh, popped up an advertisement, but it makes sense. It makes sense that every single, uh, digital ad I see is Atlanta based now, uh, you know, they're not showing.
You know, sat us mills in Oklahoma. Sure. It makes sense. And that was, for me, that was really the big epiphany, the aha moment as a digital marketer coming into the out of home space. And I'm seeing all the technology available, and this is just like everything we've done online. This is every single Facebook ad.
This is every single Instagram ad. This is everything that we already do. We target behaviors. We target psychographics. We target demographics. We're just able to do it now with billboards efficiently cost per thousand basis. That's always a fun conversation when you're talking about big media. What's that what's a cost per thousand thousand impressions.
What's it going to cost me? I'm running Facebook ads right now for my. What's that a thousand people thousand people, a pacifier billboard and two minutes. So totally it's a frequency medium, especially in the digital, in the digital billboard space. Those digital billboards in advertiser on a normal digital billboard is going to have between 900 and 1100.
What we call commercials a day. So is it a direct response? Medium? No. Can it be not sure I'm testing it right now, as a matter of fact, to see, can you drive. Qualified leads from a billboard to a website without any additional support. I'll let you know. Uh, but certainly a frequency medium that as we are more exposed to the message, and there's so many fun ways I'm working with a presidential superPAC actually with their electronic, their digital billboards, and there's dynamic things you can do with that.
Um, let's say, let's say you were that Mexican restaurant and you wanted to do hashtag super case idea, right? Because you know, that outdoor advertising drives more social engagement than any other traditional medium. I want to do hashtag case India on two thirds of my billboard. And then to the left of that, I want to put up pictures of my happy customers.
Eating said super case idea, but I don't want to go through all that work. Billboards are dynamic. You can just drop all of that content into one place. And it pulls out. So, uh, you have to, um, that the super case is absolutely amazing, but they already rank on the first page of Google images for super case studies.
Awesome. So that's the best part. So you do not understand how big a 28 inch that's a, that's a huge change. Yeah. So how have you adjusted? That could be a fun billboard campaign of just that like super caves to the other guy's case. Don't worry about was that the case? It ain't, your girl tells you not to worry about that.
That's a great social campaign. People going back, but you can use, you can do things like, um, you could do. I love this one. Um, you can do dynamic weather. You can do dynamic times, so you can turn yourself into the, into the, the clock that everyone looks forward to. And have it say Kaisa DIA time, whatever time it is, whatever the weather is, people look forward to it.
It's a fun way to brand. There's a lot of stuff that you can do. And then obviously being able to track it back to foot traffic, into the restaurants, a pretty valuable thing. And when you were saying like, uh, keeping the customer coming back, um, obviously, you know, your ad or their interest gets them there.
Um, but the best taco place that I've found in the area, uh, I didn't go back there for almost a year because friends like, Hey, uh, there's this cute little taco place? Uh, here's the name? You got to check it out. Let's go together. It'll be cute date. So like, we kept not going on taco dates together. And I finally said, Hey, I'm going there without you.
And I show up, I'm like, this is the first place I ever ate in Atlanta with somebody that like I met here. Like, it was like a weird like friend of a friend of a friend from high school connection through Facebook. And I'm like, yeah, this place is amazing. Like, so. If they could have kept me coming back, I probably would've went back every single week over that like year period.
Um, because here's the cool thing about that tech and you'll love this, especially as the digital guy. So let's say I did do that. Right. And I geo-fenced your, um, restaurant, because I wanted to know who went there. Most advertisers would just sell you a geo-fence campaign. Right. They serve ads to everybody.
That's got. And it can vary in price, but let's just say it's $10 for a thousand impressions with this technology. I can actually capture all the device IDs that were there and then serve it. Hey, if you want to bring the pup on screen, man, my dog has made appearances.
Hey baby. One of the three dogs here. That's awesome. See, cider is a, is a pet friendly show. Ladies and gentlemen got blind border Collie at home. Um, so yeah, we can, we can capture those device IDs and then you could serve them digital ads at a cost, you know, one 10th of what a digital marketer might charge you to just geo-fence that.
So, so many opportunities to just get more efficient. Uh, you know, we've talked a lot about SEO and connecting the dots. If you had to look at just 10 businesses, whether they did billboards or not out of those 10 businesses, how many do you think are missing an opportunity to just have better SEO that connects them with people already look, whether they spent a dime on advertising or not.
You looked at 10, how many are missing real opportunity because they don't have an existing stress. 10 out of 10, almost every time. No kidding. So if you're listening to this folks, there's probably a good possibility that you're missing opportunities and significant opportunities that are out there for you.
If you are, if this is something that's valuable, everything that you're going to need to get in touch with Sam is going to be inside of the show notes here. So do take advantage of it. Seven, I've been connected for a long time on LinkedIn. Same. Is there any place that's better to find you is LinkedIn the spot these days?
What are you up to? Uh, uh, sorry. Uh, so, uh, usually people can just like call me or text me, um, You know, my cell phone number. I could, should I say that here? Um, yeah, listen, anybody that's in this long has found incredible value. I don't think it would be a bad idea twice. It's public on Facebook. Anyways, you know, I've been told my profile is a security nightmare, 802 2 9 9 0 9 3 7.
And, uh, if you prefer like those email things, uh, inspired by the greatest hip hop hit of the 20th century, 21st century. 360 9, Sam Clark is fine@gmail.com. I emailed my friend and you're, you're pretty involved too, I think in the, in like the Volkswagen Allie, the car scene. Definitely. Yeah. Um, I, I definitely, um, have driven fast and took too many chances.
Um, I run the, uh, Atlanta MK seven club when it first started. Uh, I actually got kicked out of another car club for Toyota owners and I said, screw you guys and get rid of this car. I'm buying something else. I'm starting my own clubs. I bought a brand new Volkswagen and, uh, set up the page on Facebook and we just across the 956 members.
I'd say that's great organic growth. And if you need more proof than that, then I suggest you get in touch with Sam. He's worked with countless businesses and he's clearly demonstrated here today that he knows the inner workings of what makes a website work, what makes SEO work and how to connect all of those dots.
So again, hopefully this has been helpful for you, Sam, anything you want to plug, man? Is it a, if you've got any projects that you're working on get, um, definitely. Uh, so, uh, there's a couple other things I'm working on right now. Um, for everyone who's already made it in the world. Um, I want to give a big shout out to my homie, Chris
Uh, he is the owner operator and a solo preneur of teak mafia. He custom designs high-end hardwood. Marine furniture is super, super nice. And you can check his website out, uh, Instagram. T E a K M a F I a teak mafia. Um, I get to hang out and make some sauce for them every now and then it's a lot of fun and, uh, you know, your boat will look a lot better without plastic on it.
I promise. Um, uh, definitely. Um, yeah, the other thing is, um, we're going to be starting, uh, a new website project pretty soon. So, uh, I've been doing a lot of, uh, work for, um, a Mexican restaurant. Surprisingly, that's probably shocking to you, uh, recently, and I've been doing a lot of experimenting with, um, just kind of like what makes the pages faster, um, solving kind of common problems that we encounter with next generation technologies being adapted, where people aren't quite sure.
Um, Okay, we've got this new thing. Okay. It works. Um, how do we make the old and the new work together without causing issues? Um, so I was going to call it building the perfect website, but I'm not sure that's possible yet. Um, so I'm working on a project right now. Um, Nicholas over at 2, 5, 3 media is going to be involved.
Um, basically he asked me the other night, Sam, what does this stuff mean in the real world, which is a question that a lot of business owners are going to ask. You know, they're going to see dollar signs on the cash register. When you start talking SEO, you know, revitalizing their webpage, whatever services they may be.
And I said, you know what, Nicholas, I've got a few different websites here. The fast ones are drastically outperforming the slow ones. And you know, they all have pretty good SEO, but let's see, you know, if we have great SEO and a great website design and amazing speed, what that really means for the bottom line of the.
Oh, I'm sorry, not dealership customer. And, uh, you know, what, what we need to do to get there, what the common issues are on the website and just like have all this documented to show people. Okay. Um, here, here's what this means for you. I think it's incredibly valuable and the fact that you're always testing and trying to get better, not resting on your laurels, which sometimes can make your job a lot harder because there's so many people that get out there, they get comfortable and they do a bad job and they sorta fuck it up for everybody else.
Who's doing a good job. So ladies and gentlemen, if you've listened this long, you've clearly gotten value. Reach out to Sam. If it's for a consultation, if it's for a full build-out, I can't tell you how often. Folks run into the staffers that we talked about earlier today, they get on board with somebody and it just, wasn't what it seemed.
Sam is as advertised. He's been completely consistent the entire time. I've known him. He's a man of his word. If you're looking for an improved website, if you're looking for an SEO strategy, if you're looking to tie the old and the new, if you're looking to integrate your outdoor advertising with your website, make sure everything talks together.
He's the guy to talk to. So Sam, before I let you go, I'm going to have you, uh, finish the, the little I've created here. We talked about the cool tech and stuff, but what I did was I grabbed some, uh, I grabbed some creative here and, uh, I just figured, you know what, give me a 32nd SEO strategy based on the billboard that you see in the hot seat.
30 seconds. Here we go. Here's the first one. This is a fun one. That's a local restaurant. Um, it didn't forks township, hence. Forks here. These are called extensions. When you have things come up off the billboard, but this is right on main thoroughfare, uh, their, their tagline dine wear casual, casual and chic epically high five.
And you get the two forks high-fiving and their name over here. Say I'm 30 seconds. What would you do? SEO wise? Um, first thing I'd probably do is. Especially high five. I'm not, it's epically the name of this place. It's called SERP. Great question. Like that height is served, right? So you've got this great creative, a great tagline, but you asked the question, what's the name of the restaurant so that everyone passing it, doesn't get the name of the restaurant.
What would you do to help them find it? Well, we obviously have a slogan here, um, and casual and cheek diner, um, is probably something you could do or, uh, I don't know. High five is supposed to be especially high five. What is ethically epic? It's these two big billboard as it's epic. I'll have to get a video for you.
You got to see this thing life-size it looks epic. Um, what's what's an epically. High-five it's this it's two forks reaching across these two bills. It's actually at the restaurant. Well, the, the restaurant is in forks towns, townships. So it was a total play on words, forks township. We got these two forks, we're doing something weird and sort of wonky.
That's the idea of outdoors. It's supposed to stop you in your tracks and be thought provoking, which is great. But when they Google you, what would you do from an SEO standpoint? Is it the tagline? Is it for billboard? What would you, do? You know what Tim? Um, I'd probably go to Pennsylvania and learn about these big forks first.
Cause uh, if this is news to me, man, um, I think that a casual and chic diner is definitely something, um, that could be useful in your area. Um, if it's something like, Hey, you know, it doesn't cost a lot of money. It's still hip, you know, cool show up in your work clothes, whatever. Take your wife out for a fancy dinner.
Um, this epically high five and two forks things still. Confusing to me, but I don't live in the area. Um, maybe it makes more sense. Um, it makes it makes it, so when you're dry, I'll just have the color. We'll move to the next one. When you're driving past this one, you're in fork township. Okay. That makes more sense.
Now it's total pond play on words. Um, maybe, maybe two big forks or forks. Oh, I get it now. It makes sense. The high five, four X. Oh. That's why I think that, I think the split in the middle was, uh, you know, making like two different phrases to me. I take it for granted cause I drive past it every day. Okay.
All right. What's what's our next one. Next one. Next one. Oh, this is fun. It's a, it looks like maybe a Homebrew place. This was a different market, but this is a fun creative right. Stop in periodically exit here. This is what we call a directional, um, in the world about a home it's every McDonald's billboard you've ever seen.
McDonald's left at they exit or whatever. Um, so Delta beer lab and taproom stop and periodically exit here. What would you do with this beer brewing place in this pretty cool. Um, I don't know if a stopping periodically is going to be, uh, something that you're going to have a lot of competition with. Um, I really, really liked the design of this and it's pretty clear what the business name is.
Um, when I look at this, um, I think that's an easy enough name to probably remember. Um, so maybe we just focus on the name, making sure that we're easy to find a good website, the website, creative lines up with the out that billboard here. So like something like this, if they really want, I don't know if stopping periodically is like something they're trying to promote or part of their brand image on their homepage.
It says crafting change. Um, again, like with. Stuff like this, um, can be right now. Yeah. I'm Googling these as soon as they pop up before you asked me about it. So crafting change is actually an exit, uh, exhibition art show type of thing. So something like that, probably not going to be a good tagline just because of there's a lot going on, um, with other people using that phrase.
Um, I think Delta beer lab, pretty easy name, you know, good looking website. Um, looks like they've got some information about their ONTAP, the food, that kind of stuff. Um, with this, I don't know if they are interested in coming up with a slogan that people type in and get to them. Um, you know, I think to Delta beer lab, but this is, and it looks good.
It's pretty clear. There's beer there. I think I get confused now. I'm looking at the website is, do I go here to make. Community destination brewery beers brought. So it is a brewery. See, I interpreted it as like a Homebrew place, a beer lab and taproom. So I guess the idea here is that they experiment with making different beers and things like that.
Um, so it could be just that continuing with this periodically thing, like we periodically change our beers and here's what's new. Um, and, and, and building on that, see, here's, here's one where the website, I got the logo, but the creative, it doesn't so much match what I'm seeing on the billboard here. This is a little bit more fun, a little bit more scientific.
Let's see. What's next Tyro basin. They do a lot of really cool outdoor. Um, they've got some, some, some, uh, some stuff that I guess I can say it, it's my show. I think it says totally bitches. They're playing on the TV. That's a different one. The Tyro basin, we see skis, we see a snow tube and then their name pretty straightforward, any recommendations here?
Um, so all they're doing here is showing their name and it's pretty clear who they are. They're not really going for a slogan or anything like that. It's very, uh, attractive. It's clear that it is skiing, um, and that they do snow tubing. Um, like you said, these, these adverts are going to be showing to people that are in their area.
Um, and they are in Olaparib was constant. It looks like. Um, so I think we just type that in skiing. Maybe they could add a location, um, tidal basin ranks first for that area for skiing. So that's good. Um, They have their name up there, which is like very powerful. I assume if you're in the area, you probably know where title basin is.
Isn't probably more of a, keep us on your mind type of ad, um, than anything. And it sounds like they're connecting the dots and the other side, you were able to find them pretty easily. Yeah, just under the tidal basin, ski and snowboard area in Wisconsin. Uh, it's pretty straightforward on their website, what they offer.
So this is one that I really love the creative, but I gotta be honest. I was a little bit confused looking at it. I didn't know if it was a costume store at first, obviously it's lazy, boy, we're sitting here looking at it, but at 70 miles an hour, is that clear? Um, you know, so if you had to pull out one word, maybe it's baccala, what could you do to, to put an SEO strategy for behind baccala?
Like I just saw as vacuole billboard, Dracula, where's that the good news is that nobody in the world uses the word back ULA for any search results. So you already have a unique term, which I really, really like. Um, I use an embarrassing childhood nickname, San Maru, cause nobody wants to be called what their parents do unless you're doing it for marketing.
Um, so
what's that like, would it be as simple as something as simple as making sure that back ULA is somewhere on your web? Yeah. I mean, this is a pretty, uh, I don't want to call it attractive that guy's pretty creepy, but a eye catching sign. Sure. Better support for my back ULA. Um, is there only one lazy boy store?
Do they have a real name? Um, is it corporately owned? Moonlight madness means nothing. Um, Basically. So maybe this would be better served on the website, Moonlight madness. And so playing on this idea that creative, but a little bit of urgency. If I got into the website, Hey, we've got time-sensitive offer.
You'd probably watch. And you can really kind of like distribute this throughout all channels, if you want to get a little bit deeper. So yeah. You have your landing page on your website, like better support for my backyard. Moonlight madness ends November 23rd, November 2nd. Um, so that way, when people that are in the area, if they're looking for chairs or if they're looking for your tagline, they'll see a page about it.
There'll be on your Facebook. Um, there's going to be traffic. That's going to be directed, um, all that kind of stuff where the tagline isn't anything that actually exists. Moonlight madness is, uh, when the moon, the revolution of the moon around the earth causes the moon to appear to change shape in the sky, not a La-Z-Boy sale.
Now the lazy voice out. So it could be something else. Maybe you create a little bit of a, of a mystique around this Moonlight madness idea and have some fun with the landing page. Maybe you've got someone who dresses up like a Dracula and sits in a whole bunch of different chairs and you can do fun social videos and things like that.
Like other ways to play off of it sounds like on some other platforms I used to think, uh, it was really important to be like all serious on Facebook and like, oh no, I can't post anything. That's slightly off color. Cause somebody might get offended. Um, and then I realized that like, he, Facebook's a joke, man.
Like that whole place is like the worst on the planet and you really shouldn't take yourself too, too seriously on there. Yeah. Don't be super offensive. Get people laughing, like maybe be a little bit controversial, like do something that people see that they don't expect like a pizza hut the other day.
Uh, I think it wasn't, maybe it was Domino's did free unlimited water, unlimited water refills coming soon. And I'm like the internet lost it. That's funny. I like that. And like 10 years ago you'd get fired for posting something like that. It's a great point. So, so really, uh, in, in this, like the Wendy's clap backs, that's the viral so strong, right?
So it's doubling down on who, you know, your audience is. Don't try to please everyone. Right? The, the, the reason that we do outdoor advertising is to create that emotional response, right? So to evoke an emotion in the blink of an eye without making a sound is sort of how I phrased it. And you can do that and connect with your core audience.
And you can be funny on social media and connect with your core audience. Don't worry about the people that you're going to upset or offend because they were never going to do business with you anyway. Oh yeah. I kind of think of it. I kind of think of it as ecstasy or um, where. You know, people might get a little bit hot and bond.
Um, that'll spark some, our conversation, you know, that's better for your organic reach. Um, you know, like some of the, like most ridiculous marketing plans on the planet, like that dealership, they gave away free shotguns and American flags and Bibles with every truck purchase, national coverage press. Like everybody talked about them, even though there's a lot of people that think guns shouldn't exist or that don't like the Bible, whatever.
It's like, the people, the naysayers, the negative press is better than no press at all. And what I realized kind of like running social groups on Facebook is that when you're a little bit kind of close to the line, is that the people you interact with like, oh, He slept a little closer. Maybe I can too.
And then you get more people interacting with more content and you know, it just blows up your growth. You know, it blows up your, uh, people talking about you that so relevant for any restaurant that really wants to create a unique identity, like the super case, the DIA, um, you know, you, you, you said that comment, what was it?
What was it? The case? It is size that your girlfriend won't be upset of that. Oh yeah. Uh, the case idea, uh, your girl says not to worry about or something. Yeah. I'll make like, like that's, that's, if they're not doing that, they should be doing that because it's going to be hysterical. And the audience that is going to go there for the 28 inch case Cydia is going to appreciate a brand that sure.
I find you a girl that looks like that looks at you. Like she looks at tacos that actually happened to me. Tacos looked amazing and she's like, I'm like, I have jealous login. That's the next fun play. There's if anybody's listening to this at this point, and you totally want to do this idea, give samurai a call.
I want to see a brand start putting up means on digital, just like that. Play off of the things that are popular in pop culture and just craft them into your brand. Like the, like the guy who's checking out the girl and his girlfriend's looking at him all pissed off. You could do that with a taco on a billboard 14 foot tall, 48 foot wide on the side of a highway, instantly legitimize your brand.
Get a ton of people talking about you on social. And then you've got a cool personality on social. You just got to get people there. Got to get on it, right. There's a dealership. I think it was a Ford or Toyota store down in Florida, somewhere. They had a minivan for sale and their marketing director aimed at a mom named Karen, uh, that may or may not have been an angry customer.
They had was like, Hey Karen, here's your minivan, blah, blah, blah. It was a going awful like how awful Karen is, like, has been a suit, her lifestyle perfectly and how she can just like ruin people's lives in it and stuff like that. And it got like 2000 reactions. It was absolutely nuts. It was like talking about, uh, the Karen's of the world.
Sorry if there's nice. Karen's out there. I haven't met you yet. It's it's an incredible parlay. Somebody does it in the automotive space, I think better than anybody is Brian or Tayga from high valley Toyota. He's great at keeping like super relevant things. You know, if it's Amazon does a great job, they did a pretty funny one.
Um, like the game of Toyotas. Ay. Yay. Yeah, I remember it. I remember it, it was last week. I feel like it was last winter. At this point, it was like a winter is coming game of Thrones, sort of, don't be afraid to have fun with your brand. It's a great point that Sam brings up. Um, speaking of fun brand actually asked Johnson Otter group, as they wanted to bring back the Badger.
And they said, no, listen, man, if then someone else should take the damn Badger. If you don't want the Badger Johnson automotive group. Some of those, I mean, they still own the Badger, but I was like, come on, let's do something fun. Like not at this time. Ah, what a shame. What a shame. Well, Hey folks, again, this is Sam Clark.
Sam's a great guy to know. And if you don't know him, get to know and find them on LinkedIn. Sam Clark on LinkedIn, you got a cell phone number earlier. Sam, give it to the folks. One more time. How's the best way to get in touch with you? Uh, 8 0 2 2 9 9 0 9 3 7. You can pretty much find on any social media platform.
Showed him a call. I'll put your contact information. I'll put your LinkedIn profile in the show notes here. So they might wants to connect with you on there. I encourage you to do so, Sam, thanks so much for all the preparation you put into today. Everybody, you should know that Sam has been one of the most prepared guests for the out-of-home insider show today.
Really appreciate that. I dunno. Uh, if, uh, you know, our lesson plan for days worth, uh, you know, sharing with people on your website or a LinkedIn post or anything, uh, I think there's probably some good info in here. Um, maybe we can add that, uh, I'll link to that later or something, you know, do you have a website for yourself?
Uh, not right now. So when we, when we get there, we'll definitely link it to that. You're not going to use that to find what you can find. What we'll do. I'll ask you to do this. Sam, clean it up, put it into a couple of bullet points. And then what we'll do is we'll share it as a Google doc inside the show notes.
Everybody can, uh, can just real quick grab it and see some of the key talking points. How does that sound cool. Awesome. Yeah. Thanks everybody for tuning in the Seattle home insider show, we're bringing you tips, tricks, insider insights. If any of this has been valuable, I encourage you to share it with someone who could benefit from the information like comment, share, do all those things.