OOH Insider - Episode 017 - Jonnathan Trilleras, Founder of LED Truck Media

Coming into the Out of Home industry from digital marketing can feel a little bit like being in a foreign country where you don't speak the language.
But as in life, you either adapt and overcome or get swallowed up.
For Jonnathan Trilleras, being a progressive thought leader isn't a thing he does - it is who he is and LED Truck Media is his canvas. From the challenges of a start-up entreprenuer in a new city, to developing new products to stay on the cutting edge, Jonnathan gives you unbridled access into what makes him tick.
Learn directly from the mind of a media owner who sees the landscape in bright lights, wherever he goes, the Forbes Agency Council member from South Beach - Jonnathan Trilleras, Founder of LED Truck Media.
To learn more about LED Truck Media, vist them at: https://ledtruckmedia.com/
Or follow them on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/ledtruckmedia/
Connect directly with Jonnathan at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonnathantrilleras/
As always, you can connect with me on LinkedIn at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/troweactual/
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Why are you doing that? I'm going to welcome everybody to the out-of-home inside and show that the loudest voice in out of home. And I've got a very special guest for you. We've been talking for probably 15, 20 minutes before I press the record button. As I'm choking on the Corona virus over here, I've got Jonathan and I'm not going to, I'm not going to hit the wrong dude.
I'm just not going to do it to you, man. I'm to Greg. Well, we got Jonathan from led truck media, and he's got a lot of good stuff to share today. Josh. Thanks for being here. Thank you for the opportunities with Jonathan has been such an incredible supporter of the show. If you haven't seen go up, go back to Instagram.
At-home insider O H insider, either LinkedIn. T Rowe, actual, you got to see the tremendous shots that he and his wife got of the at-home insider logo all lit up over led trucks. But before Jonathan got to San Francisco and doing mobile led, he was a newcomer to America in Miami. If I'm not mistaken, is that right?
That's right. I, um, I moved to the United States when I was 14 years. And, um, well, I actually moved to Boston first. That's why my, like my dad leaves and like all my siblings, they all from Boston. And then, uh, I moved to Miami when I was like 16, 17, my dad he's like, listen, you got to go to your mom's
and I'll save that some money. And then, um, I moved to south beach when I was nine, eight. Barely 18. And then, uh, I got into, I was going to school for graphic design and marketing, like then years ago graduated in 2003, but I opened my first business. Uh, 19 years solely was doing printing. So I got into sort of marketing, advertising through printing.
I didn't, that was, uh, 2000. Why do you choose marketing? Was it something you were just always into? Did you like design? What, what? Well, it was the ones that deal with my mom. Um, I, wasn't always a great student. And, um, when I moved to south beach, you know, the war started and then, um, I was very passionate to get into the military.
So, um, I'm actually have a really bad eye problem. Uh, I noticed notice I'm actually good. I'm losing my eyesight. And back then, um, it was a deal that I could make for a greedy students surgery. Um, that, that made me thought he was going to be able to actually provide you fall or join the military. And then my mom was like, look, why are you going to go to a ward?
It's a split. I know you love it. You always loved it. But, um, I know you love us everything, but it's just. Okay, so you want to move to south beach, our support, your, um, your living expenses. I'm not going to support everything else, just your rent and some food. You have to work. You want to live by yourself, but you got to go to school.
So I was like, okay, I want to go to school. Um, so I went for graphic design cause he was, they used to stay it, but then graphic designers used to get paid very well. And then, uh, they're like, okay, well, graphic design. It's just not, when I caught it, you gotta do something else. So going into marketing and then, uh, I think it was the best decision.
I mean, actually, I, I, I drop off from Boston college. Uh, I was going to do business in Boston college. And again, I just didn't want to leave in Boston. Um, so far you worked out, you know, sometimes it's like, why, why did I do that? People ask me Boston college, but you know, he worked out well for me. So marketing worked out and then again, uh, Doing printing when I was 19 years old, because I was working for, um, Firestone around printing company back then, who actually change the way printing was sold back then nationwide.
And Miguel Hernandez, which is, uh, the owner of the company as well was one of my mentors back then. And I learned from him and then he actually fired me. And then when he fired me, let me look, I'm doing you a favor. I'm like, really? I need this man. This doesn't feel like a favor, man. That's it for like a favor.
It was the best thing could shop everything. And he was. Um, then the economy went down bad. Uh, I lost, I lost the business because of Wilma. They were working. So actually my shop got completely, the whole feeling collapsed and most important stuff. And FEMA came out and showed us. It wasn't enough or when the cash loss and loss of business and stuff like that.
And I remember somewhere around 2006, a study from zero. I've been back to, you know, rebuild myself into, uh, started working for the rice wireless. I should stuck on music festivals. So it was more clinically.
Then I went into wireless industry right before I phone started. I was working for at and T look through Verizon begin marketing money, uh, south Florida for, it was my after my first year in the company doing the whole marketing for 25 stores. Facebook come up, all these things, you know, social media. So I really got into technology.
This is when you were still buying Facebook ads on the right hand side of the screen. This is why like people, again, I started using Facebook. People didn't understand what Facebook was. We saw that trend. And then, you know, I started, I used to teach people how to use. Or like the iPhone, this is what it is, Android different.
And it really got me hooked into technology marketing. So I saw that the mobile app industry and, uh, I got an opportunity out of the blue. I mean, it was, I was in a networking event in Miami and I met this guy and he was like, we started talking about technology. It's like, look, take a look to my app and look at his app and like his song.
It's like really like, yeah, really. I don't, there's no user experience. I don't think you're going to do anything with it. It was unfortunately not on story short. He was the CMO for the largest horse racing cobalt in the world. So, and then, um, he called me back, ended up getting a job with them. And then, um, I got into horse racing technology.
We're horse racing and casino, cities like that. And it was an amazing game. You know, the 45 people in the world used to do what I do just does it. And then it was great. And then, uh, move forward, uh, went to school, went back to school in New York for user experience from their startup partners. Then, uh, Everything went great.
And I got to the point that I was like, I needed to do something meaningful. I wanted to leave a legacy and everything that I did was great. And he brought me a lot of experience in marketing other, and I was buying media appeal for sport, Verizon. Everything was always surround in advertising and mark.
Some way somehow. And the fact that I went to school for graphic design always helped me to understand, understand the consumer side and be able to actually, I, these nine, the companies for rice, for wireless or any in the older companies, I decided to bubble laughs too. And everything, because that, that aspect of the creative aspect is so important, what advertising and everybody knows this.
Everybody understands that, but they don't know. You know, so it's always, for me, a passionate. Okay. You know, he has to the content copy. Everything has to have some bodies to have some love. And then, um, when my daughter was in the way, I'm like, look, I want to do something that is clean. And then I look to my friends.
I'm like, look, guys, I understand you guys, uh, business is doing really well. I love it. Um, but I want to do something differently and you guys said, I can't do it with you guys because you guys don't want to. And then, you know, it's okay because it's so great business, but I want it to do, I want it to leave a legacy in the industry.
And then, you know, maybe my daughter one day will actually say, wow, that did this. You know, it's all about the love of reading and I'm playing a simple, I told my wife, listen, we're going to, we're going to get into outdoor advertising. We want to start selling trucks. She's like, Just hoping another company, Jonah, then I'm like, yeah, we got one.
Don't worry about it. You know, that's on the marketing, the word about it. We have an agency in Miami to those marketing and content development. So I'm like I just started pitching and I started developing things and developing relations and see how the industry goes. And, and eh, you know, that was back in 2008, 2018.
So it's only been two years and I made the decision to move to. Too, because you know, it's okay. You know, you guys were on the east coast. Let me just go to the west coast of my thing. So we'll do nationwide sales becoming yourself and everything, but I wanted to do in this.
In a sense that after it was a discovery for six months, and as we just talking, right, you get out of the heaters and the lovers. Right. So I noticed that people actually were open for me to have a meeting, to have a call, have a discussion and, you know, and understand, you know, what they're doing, how they're doing things, you know, and then how can I help?
Um, because even though I was say my new in the outdoor advertising, um, Advertising, this whole has been on the DNA and understand it properly. And so there was some really good false that I was able to get really so very good basis and actually the bait or how things are done. And there were a lot of pushback from people.
Like you said, like the, this is outdoor. You just coming here, new. Not happening. And that was like, let me tell you what you're doing wrong. And then if you don't like it, then we'll discuss anymore. And so through that first six months, I really challenge challenging. Like this stablish the establishment, like revolutionary type thought process.
Right? Hey, here's, it's like. Going to lean on the venture and be like, Hey, it's great canvas and all, but I think you should maybe paint painted this way. Well, I mean, but again, it's, I mean, there are the DaVinci's and the valleys in the industry, 100%, they are the pioneers, but you see when, when Facebook came up really stroke, right?
I'll do it advertise, not a home advertising actually to attend because you know, everybody on the morning was going to spend a beat, right? Like IPO time. Hey, we've got, we've got shareholders now that we need to report revenue to, we've got to start selling that space. Right. Exactly. But that's the problem?
The change. Yeah, because again, I mean the media buyers were going up there digitally. Once they'd hide. Now it's actually flipping, which is good because people are overwhelmed of ads that actually turned them off. You know, digital marketing only works to a certain extent and it depends of the actually product or they actually complain that you promote it doesn't work anymore for everything.
Right. Right. And you can see the evolution. I mean, again, you know, when everything, when something comes down, another thing comes up. So the influencers came up now influencers are dying because now people recognize that it's the same thing over and over. What's next. Then outdoor advertising is the traditional media,
marketing, uh, competitor and it's on strong and stronger. The problem is not, it's not a problem. I think it's, you know, everybody has a human being. You gotta, you, you know, when you wrong and you know, when you're doing something or, you know what you need help. And we all know, right. The problem is actually.
We do not need it. And again, I mean, a lot of the meta bars that, uh, you know, the good ones that we have, good relationships, we take our time to go over like really what you're trying to do. Let me help you for me, because I'd been exposed to, again, a call from printing, where we used to print massive amount of flyers and my imbalance.
For a, to try to get people to whatever, you know, subitizing, it was just traditional and then go into Facebook or will buy my space and Facebook to promote a music festival. I wonder like only, I think it was like 20% of the market share people had a smartphone. Right. And then, um, And then, and then by needy stuff like that, it was only, there was only one thing that always sticks with me and it helped me understand how things move.
It was the graphic design part and the marketing background marketing background. Marketing is something that you learn is always evolve. You know, like, eh, you know, you can become a doctor and obviously you have to keep starting and stuff like that. The marketing is completely different. Now you have experts that know more about marketing, the people that go to school, but graphic design, you have to be clever and creative because not everything fits.
So everybody, so that helped me. And then when I did technology, And usually students that did an amazing user experience course, top user screen consultant. She was amazing. Um, you opened my eyes to like, ah, look what is doing when I meet some of that stuff. I'm like, there is so much opportunity out there and so many dollars through and out there.
Because they're not taking the time to be really capture, okay. How is this now? What are we doing? It's going to be effective. And then after talking to all these experts, vendors, media buyers, ad agencies, big, small setting, up meetings, all over United States going traveling like my wife was like going crazy.
It's like, we, I mean, we don't even sell into anything and you're already setting up all these minutes. What are we going to do? Worries. This is research and development. Uh, you know, it's the same case over and over. So it's very traditional is the traditional mindset of the media by even the way that RSPs are sent right now, if you really take a look and we were talking about it right now, the user experience for a person like you or myself to fill out by agreed on an RFP, it's normally is broken because.
You, you're not able to fulfill the information. Uh, sometimes you don't even know if he got sent or not. You take a look. All I do. I am such a big fan of add quick for addressing that. I don't know if she'd gotten to spend time inside the platform, but man. Uh, just in the demo, um, watching them look at them like this, this process takes the better part of a day and two or three weeks.
Right, which did it in 30 minutes and back to the client, the user experience is it's so far beyond making it easy for people to spend money and they will spend money with you and just ask Amazon, make it easier. So again, we kept move forward in terms of business faster. Right. So I know going up through my name's out there, I leave that up to you, but there is one that.
You know, it took me like a day and a half to teach my VP of cell that he had to do like three or four proposals in order to get it. And it's still, we send it and I will go and refresh it. And like this pending is that sent, you know, but again, it's, uh, and especially for a media for mobile billboards, um, filling out RFPs, we always have.
Th there is not affordable for us, to be honest with you on the space really well, they ask you for geo path and not to do longitude strengths. It will be, of course we don't have it. What do we put in these required? So what are you, you got to abandon the actually RFP contact the media buyers. I can figure it out because he's not the one.
Let me move forward your system instead. I mean, they, you know, I have to apply something, but what am I going to put on my. No, so, and that's, that's, that's what it took me there. And then again, we, we, we build our, our, our company truly makes that a laugh. And then, um, we like, we're perfectionist, I'm a super professional is obviously there's always things that, you know, might happen here and there, but we try to, um, do every campaign, just like if it was our.
And, you know, big or small one day, one month, three month campaign, they all the same, really everybody, as soon as your comments to, we want to make sure that we deliver the best thing possible. There are times that we try to do so, but the client will be, no, this is what I want. And even though we advice on.
The client wants. Um, I'm not, uh, I mean, we, we follow the instructions because there are structures and yes, but I'm not an advocate of the customer always has the last word. I hate that. So I always go to debate it until I can no more and say, listen. Okay. You know, but the good thing is you actually can prove how I perform.
Um, and again, it's just the customer service and she really showed the client. I mean, I show class. You know, like we're going to need a campaign. And you know, I have my guys taking videos, say, look, this is your route. This is what you provided. This is what you wanted. There was nobody here. You want us to do something else?
So you want us to continue because really I don't, I don't wanna, I don't want you to spend my money. I don't, I need you to come back, but I needed to be happy about right. Be like, okay, that was good. But let me try something else. I want, I'd rather work. And again, that whole, um, idea of great customer service, providing technology, um, providing advice and creative who copy, um, capturing the data that we have with that drew, um, all these things have come out into one play work right now.
Um, it's been a blast for us, actually. It was a great, great, amazing year. I don't think I have asked around, but I don't think that nobody had on my own, our media has done what we did last year and you know, I feel proud of it. And I think that, um, for 2020, our goal is to leave that mark, that mobile billboards outdoor for outdoor advertising.
There are no more than second place. We gotta be right there with billboards. It's a fun, medium. I mean, it's, it's novel, right? There's so many cool pictures of people running up just to take pictures with the trucks. And we talk a lot about social engagement, how outdoor drives social engagement. And I got to think that on a per capita ratio, That you guys contribute a lot to that, right?
Because you're in a high pedestrian traffic areas. A lot of times with these fun sort of activation things going on, and you must see a lot of that. You must have just a ton of social engagement with the campaigns that you do. So, so the good angle on that is, again, the big boys are right.
I don't want to, I don't want to see anything. I mean, because I like billboards special implementing goes into inventory as well, cause we need it. And then again, be able to billboard what happens a lot of the times is that is really hard to create that engagement out of a billboard. And it's harder when they actually are worth those in play are well extremely harder, you know?
And, um, so. When you, when you're driving on a highway, right. And you're a billboard guy, right. When you're driving a high with that recycle retention, that's all you get really because you drive and you've got to focus on driving. If you're in traffic, you look at it. You know, so billables are great for big brands that have the money to spend, and they want to make an impact.
But for the meet size clients, for the startups, for the. If people that don't have that budget to go on a four week or $20,000 spend, you know, but they need something. I have only been two or three day campaign. I have something is our meat is very effective. Right? Super flexible. Like you just said, like a two to three-day campaign, right?
It's call you up. Hey, Jonathan, I got this thing going on this weekend. You know, my celebrity influencers in town and I got to drive a ton of people out. To be able to fly like that and be pretty cost efficient. Yeah. What a tremendous value play to have in your back pocket. Yeah. And also what he helped us a lot is that a lot of times clients call and, you know, a lot of the deals they're like, oh yeah, this is great.
But you know, our, our department is not going to be able to turn it around. Got graphic designers when you need it. By tonight, I have these, I have designed a lot of the campaigns myself. Um, you know, we wanna, we want to make sure it's nice as creative. And at the same time though, no matter what everybody can tell me, you can meet one of our trucks, no matter where you go.
It's no way that you can't know me. Like it's the size of the screen. So the choice is staying at 13 feet high and the screen, sorry, the back screen is six and a half or six and a half feet. And this size screen is 11 and 11 and a half by six and a half. So you, you have, you have TVs rolling down the street that are the size of, you know, grown men and basketball hoops.
Small size, uh, times square billboard again. I mean, you come in out of say four and seven, you got brought it from as the first billboards about the size of the truck and you can't miss that. So now you have a truck in front of you. Um, but again, it's the trucks. Um, you have to, I've seen, I've seen bad operators on I'm sure everybody does in every instance.
But again, it's you also, it's already intrusive because it is intrusive, but you know, that's what we're doing, but at the same time, you don't want to be too intrusive. You put up a video that is like, you know, like that doesn't sell neither because the people are driving, the people are walking. If you're standing your parking and you have already been completed, but like, you know, sometimes people be sending out one minute video.
I'm like, guys, great video looks great. Give me the last 20 seconds with a call to action because everything else. Nope. I mean, the people that are watching the rest of the 42nd. They don't go none. Know what I want to go there. They don't know what you do. And he's looking at Colby and they're going on their way.
So. You know, those are the things that we played out in the company, you know, how do we do a hundred weeks secure? We go, and then we track the data and see, okay, you want to, what are your demographics? Okay. Okay. This is where they are looking. Is, are we going to find your route? Maybe we're going to stop it for a, if you scan, as we do kind of in summertime.
And then, uh, you know, a school time to stopped, to avoid being seen by mine or subtle, you know, uh, we've mapped out routes. We, um, we do many different things, brand safe. What is it? It's brand safe as well. So for example, Bali political campaigns, uh, yesterday was a crazy day for us. And, uh, yeah, because again, it's like we merged, out-of-home advertising, collect the data, but now we do and retargeting social media.
So we'd run your campaign for a week. We give you the report, which you offense the truck within 300 feet away. So you okay now, um, you can play a role in that. So you got a million impressions meter and a half. I think that's. So, and, um, what are you going to do with it? You can re target on social media or in mobile apps.
We can run that for you. What's your budget. He wrote exactly the same as you're doing it yourself, going through a DSP or by the data. I mean, political campaigns that loft by the data, because. So you gave me a report, would impressions, demographics, consumer behavior, dual times, and now I can actually buy these data and we target these ideas.
So that marriage you right there. Now we're looking at 60 campaign and that's the goal for 2020 to break that through. It's actually understand it. It's a premium product, man. That's not just running out trucks with, you know, big light-up signs on it. That's a proper advertising strategy. That's what I call is a vertically integrated strategy, man.
It's top to bottom. With customer service and a quick turn time, I don't know, like I'm not trying to do the hard sell for a year, but it's just sort of a no brainer. Um, you talked, you know, a topic that's so near and dear to my heart is being able to challenge clients. And I was just having this conversation.
So it was really glad that you touched on it there for a second, right? It's something that not a lot of salespeople in general are willing to do. Right. Great book on that, the challenger sale, but at the four different sales types. So it's a really hard thing to do, but how valuable is it when you can say to a client, listen, I am advising you to do this.
You can do whatever you want, it's your money. But if you do it that way, This is what you should expect. And then when that happens, being willing to stand the client up and say, I told you this was going to happen. Would you like to correct it now or continue doing what we're doing? How important would you say that is for any salesperson listening for any planner listening for, just for anybody listening that has any sort of consultated responsibility, how important is.
Well, it is extremely important. Um, but it goes hand in hand. There is two components of three components to that. Um, I would say the first component is actually you have to be able to validate what you're doing so experience, right. Um, in any cells, um, you know, like car salesman, everybody, nobody wants, likes to sell.
So the next resource, so that's where you get into these consultancy sells. You know guys like you or me, or, you know, me it's experienced people or business people by all means they can capture when, you know, actually sure what you're talking about. And a lot of the sales people do that. So they try to challenge the client, but they don't have maybe not enough information or maybe they do better.
They can translate that information to the client because they don't position themselves. And the client face. It is sort of like upselling sailing in a sense, if you take a look to like the R word and maybe, you know, there are some that mentioned strategy on that, but you have to know what you're doing in order to present it in order to be able to debate it.
The second part is that you have to be able to, besides experience you have also to have, um, proof, like, look.
Here, if they debated and the 13, the most, um, the one that I like the most is when clients know that you arrived, but still wouldn't do it because they don't want to need that. And that takes a lot of touch as like, it's like when you you're single and trying to date a new girl, you have to. B I'm delicate about it.
Okay. He takes, he takes it and he takes it in a business experience. And if you hopped on large size of businesses, you understand that a lot of personal relation, they're going to be contracts. I learned that from horseracing and, um, so be able to actually debate to the client. And, and even though they say no, This is the reasons why data, this is, this is, I think, you know, this is why I'm telling you.
I completely understand it's your money. I want the best for you. I really truly do. And that's what we do. I ultimately, it's up to you. Um, I just want to make sure that you are know and understand that we can do a much better job if you allow us to actually work with. And I will say 90% of the times at work.
Again, I have some pushback from clients and I have a specific there being all the campaigns that I try. And then the specific reasons thing I completely understand, but at least I know that I left that door open in our communicated, um, from the professional standpoint, as they hire us to be professionals and be able to execute it.
How the things, how they campaign should be run and what are the things that are going to
be prepared? Be prepared to prove it, be prepared, to prove it while being professional and consultative and willing to challenge and doing all those things. And then also understand that, Hey, sometimes you've just going to have to do with the client wants, or you decide that I'm just not going to do business with people like that.
And at the end of the day, it's it's what are you willing to, uh, not. But again, there's a lot of people that the media that they'd rather know, send anything and just run the campaign. Yeah. That terrifies me because, and then it makes it so hard. I feel like let's shoot, we'll use billboards for an example.
I'm sure you've had an instance like this, where someone ran with someone else. That didn't do those things. So it made your job twice as hard because they say that doesn't work. I tried it before it doesn't work. And now you got to work twice as hard because someone else came and fucked it up for you once upon a time and present that.
And that happens quite often. Actually, then I know we tried this, but I was like, you didn't, you didn't do it with us. Yeah. But you know, it was, it was a bad experience. It's actually the end of that. It was about. It wasn't, the campaign was bad. He wasn't, um, he wasn't related to the company was more about the experience of that's.
Interesting. Yeah. Then you mentioned that and I can recall like, yeah, it wasn't about experiencing it. You know, it was a lack of communication. Um, I hear also that like, they weren't really sure that they can be run. Okay. Right. Like a billboard. I can see the billboard it's right there. I see it rocks maybe.
Good. How do you know? Right. You can that GPS report, but I, yeah, I did. I, you know, like, you know sure. Was that your kid driving, like his pizza route? I don't know. Uber driver maybe. But, you know, so, but technology comes into place into what we do, but also. You know, it's that level of trust that, you know, really, you know, showing the client look, you know, through all your campaigns, what we did, you know, any questions being responsive?
I, I live on the west coast. I got calls at six in the morning class guys are calling me and guys, I wake up at five in the morning just to make sure I'm ready for the school. Right. And that's, that's, I mean, that's a very aware thing because we do business in different time zones. Right. I've. Uh, just, I just had any Carolyn on from soft science, 3d, and he's somewhere in Canada and you know, we're here right now and, you know, um, in the city next Friday and some agency meetings and I've got, you know, somebody as special guests lined up for the end of the day there it's.
Dude we're on international time now. Um, but everybody, every culture, every time zone, um, you got to push hard and, um, you know, I just, I just like to see more of, uh, a unify environment instead of a competitive environment, because he's still get a few players, maybe not just for led or available soon.
Like he's not a lot of things out there, but you know, it should be. I think there is, there is more to call and then the industry should welcome this new company. So this new creative people that come up with new methods. 'cause I think, and I haven't said this on record yet. So, um, this, this, this is my statement moment right here is if, if we I'm speaking as the collective here, and we'll say like the legacy thinking collective, if we continue to resist, there are so many opportunities for anyone to be a media company today.
You will miss the opportunity. Will there always be a place for billboards? Absolutely. We're not fighting for market share between like you and me. We're fighting every startup that says, Hey, there's space on that. I can monetize that and do it in a way that's easy to transact transparent. It has a great customer experience because it's already been designed at scale for every other industry.
Exactly or disagree 100%. I mean, again, it's, if you don't join the forces, uh, again, I mean, let me land knows right now they're very smarter than technology. Um, I think the lack of, uh, port methodologies, but, um, technology is taking over and then it's just, just like you said, just, you just need that. So nevermind the, so I go to do this.
This is different. Fortunately, our whole outdoor advertising requires some capital and
bonding. And in order for you to sell campaigns to agencies, you need to be able to fondant and wait, because that's just the nature of the business. I don't know guys get. You know, there is new technologies coming out there is new. Like we're launching, uh, I'll give you an exclusive. So we're launching, uh, that's it.
If I had someone on, like, I like the sound board write down someday. When, when, when we're big time, like Joe Rogan, we've played like a sound effect. They're like really double two exclusives in one day. I got thoughts.
Yeah. We're launching a series of new inventories across the United States and those markets. Uh, we're launching next week. You're going to see the new line of led bicycles. Well, that's sick led bicycles. Now are these bicycles that you're going to have riders hired to ride? How does, how does, so how do they need to be battled, Jonathan?
Have we considered how they are going to be battled? You have AI robots. What is, what's the play either bicycles. It's not a brainer, but, uh, again, it goes hand in hand. I'm not sure people are going to come up to see me in there, but the good thing is like, we, we, uh, we, we a year ahead, I think that, um, we'll still go, not tie daddy with, um, other podiums that we're breaking up for, uh, on the podium size.
Still keep that on the low, but it's happened in 2020 probably. And also. And then, um, we added billboards, like I said, so are we asking the entire internet to keep it low? Because this is like, oh, I mean, you'll see what you see. And I had an interview yesterday and, uh, I didn't realize this is exclusive, but, uh, look inventory and things like that.
It's not, I mean, anybody can be in the truck, we can do it as good as we do because trucks, thanks to Alex. They ever strokes say like, But it's not about owning that truck. It's not about owning the inventory, so should be how you, how you put all this thing together. You know, it's, it's deeper than just having the inventory.
So yeah, I'm sure people are going to come up with bicycles and things like that, but it's, uh, they way that we're gonna to start rolling campaigns for our clients. We're going to offer an array of services that is not only people will see it in the truck, but we can also do. Inside events we can, you know, is this this stolen?
I mean, I don't want to, I don't want to step too much into experiential experiences and a whole different animal, and I love it. Like we have simulcasts seven, so sweet rolls. We have those, some crazy stuff that fortunately for ADA purposes, we can really show. But I've gone beyond, like, my friends are like, really like, how are we going to do this?
Like, this is how we plan that we don't carry mostly simulcasts. Like, you know, and, um, this 2021 we're doing is really giving, um, of offering our clients in our sales partners and our media, the opportunity to just do a full 360 campaign billboard truck bicycle podium. You want to talk about. You audience will do it properly.
We collect all that data and we still run into social media. So hopefully, you know, we get there and then maybe I'll be speaking at conference next year. I believe we filed that under strong as death. That would be like the coolest campaign you could probably ever do for so many reasons. And there's so many different ways to use that.
Ah, man, I'm excited to see it all before. So we're going to release a promo video in a week or so. Podiums are coming up in, uh, again, late summer. Um, hopefully we have, um, enough quality of send at least two markets. I want to do Miami in New York to start on those bicycles. Uh, LA we're ready June. And then Miami is next week.
And then towards the end of the year, uh, that one is a surprise, but I'm sure everybody's going to have to do this again as we go freely, because we understand our trucks again, if they're gas, you know, like every other car, you know, You know, we want it to go eco-friendly eco-friendly solution, especially for clients.
They appreciate it for friendly. Um, so yes, this, our new solutions will be while they still have batteries. For sure. There's no sort of equal. Well, I would know have initials, which is better sailboats. That could be a thing they're just boats out there. I know I've been the guy in New York. I got to get him on here.
They're great. They're great. Uh, I'm not a water guy
in Miami. They're tremendous. You can meet them. Um, it's, it's, it's, it's a great, too bad. It's like you can't do it everywhere. You know, do bad that, you know, interests or in a boat that would be a mess. Massive, uh, infrastructure. I they're doing an amazing job. I think I gave kudos to these guys because they really tap into our industry with something innovative as well.
And then it's not really easy to sell advertising on a boat. I can tell you that, uh, where is if you had to place a bet today, what is going to be the biggest change in out of home in the next 12 months? Right? Right. Up or down or just more efficient. I think, I think this year media buyers will learn more how to position their advertising budget.
And it's going to cost for our lease field. We're advertising rates to go down lower than what they got right now, because. You got a lot of, a lot more midsize companies and the demand is now like, look, I don't need four month campaign. I need just the spaces here and there. Like corporate is like bleed back quick.
You know, they're actually this market. So now where are we doing? We went, we went mainstream on. I can buy a billboard right now. I can buy an ad right now at grade 13, put my ad word, send it over to get a proven done. I don't need the media buy. So I think that that's going to force a lot of media buyers to an agency size should be to, to take a look to the agency fee and restructure that or partner with the technology companies and be able to.
Um, workout deals. So to keep the rates that anybody can buy at the same time is going to fake on all of the business of the big companies. Because again, great scope for down, not quite call us, pay the same amount for a billboard in times square. They were paying two years ago. Well, I'm paying more when everybody's feeding this, you know, so I think rates is going to be something that, uh, for 2020 is going to, it's going to have to restructure, um, Which, because of that, I think that a lot of the Lacy, um, media buyers will get out and the good people will stay because they understand how to reinvent itself.
That's a great point about leaning it out and probably see some consolidation of maybe a couple of midsize players get together and say, Hey, you've got this, we've got a few synergies and let's do this sort of thing. Yeah. That's. Just start seeing after the conference, a few partnerships in my surprise, you used our scene.
You want to see guys like, I mean, when it's dribbling in the mining years, 20 years in the. That was out of nowhere that was going to happen. I think you're going to see because of rates and because of technology itself, you're going to see some mergers even announced or not companies are going to have, are being forced to work closer together rather than compete somewhere.
And market share, you know, how companies are going to have to give up some things and then be able to open up for other players to come into the table because they going to need that. They're going to need that small business. Yeah. There's always going to be a need for that. Right. We just can't see that was last week.
And, uh, you know, I'm trying to put up a billboard in Miami, look into the options and. To my surprise. I mean, we have everything that is possible to the billboard. The only thing that is causing those bags, because there is another billboard is just at the border of the distance between legally paperboard.
But it's just because it's one of the most stirs that we're getting blocked. So. Yeah, do we want to spend money on lawyers and like go after and then maybe, you know, do it. And they spend 40, $50,000 and close the billboard and the vehicle will sell. But really when I go into that bottle and that's sad because you know, it should be, you know, you don't want to go crazy and put the vehicles everywhere.
You want to follow regulation and everything. But, you know, I don't want to be stopped because some big companies actually, um, I have more money to pay lawyers. That's because that's what it is. It comes down to lawyers, right? They wants to make the money. Everybody else has got to deal with it. Yeah, but that's my take up for 2020 thing and they get great things happening, great operators happening.
Um, a lot of people will come up. Um, hopefully the industry stays, hopefully we do bigger and better things that we can actually get more share of, uh, digital marketing budget. Um, I think because the marketing budget is just being thrown out there. Like, do you think that's where the most money is up for grabs is in the digital marketing space or does it come from one of the other traditional players?
No. I think, I think for, for us, this is Ethan marketing and they at least for, for us, for village of media and it's because when you run social media campaigns, well, I mean, that's what the Facebook model is so great because they give you, listen, you using my bladder phone. I let you target whoever you are.
But again, it's being proven that this algorithms and all these things are so convoluted that you read, you don't really know. It's like, you know, so you got to keep throwing money out there, money, money, money, money. I mean, I've had things where we spend a million dollars on social media and you know, like, yeah, we got results, but we had to spend a massive amount of.
And so for us, the grab is that, look, let's say you have a million dollars and your marketing spend is your marketing budget is a 700,000 for social media and you want to do 300,000 or so. What I do is, okay, let's flip it. Give me 500,000 for outdoor and. We run the social media campaign from the data collected from the outdoor campaign.
So it's targeted. So you're not doing cheese on pizza and see if he works. At least, you know, that when you're running that campaign, they already saw that's wrong,
you know, that happened. And you retargeting that ID. So when I give it a report and I say, listen, we got, we've got your 1 million impressions and we're going to write. Uh, the social media campaign to these 1 million impressions. And these are your results. These were people that actually saw it rather than doing an out there that doesn't demographics.
So locations, yes. Whatever. Get, get a report, wait for the phone for the phone call, you know, and again, everything goes through sixties created. They got to see it. You, you can do campaigns. Entice somebody to get curious, and then you hit them in social media with actually what it is you get, uh, There's many wasted because I don't want to throw ideas out.
They're going to call us, but
it, people to do business with anyone, right. I have to know who you are and then I have to like you, and then ultimately I have to trust you. It is always and will always be a funnel. I had some crazy person tell me it's not a funnel. It's multiple digital touchpoints that I, I want it. Dragged them under a table and pummeled them.
But that's it, man. If people don't know who you are, they can't come to appreciate or having an affinity for you and therefore can't do business with you. Right. So to be able to offer all of those things in one little package is pretty benefit. So yeah. So for us, I think that that's, that's, that's what it's, that's where we try to.
The market share at least some budgets. And then, um, I think for billboards, is it, you guys got it very difficult. You guys, you guys are like mom and pop going through a divorce. It's an interesting time. It's I gotta tell you. It's great because there is so much positive momentum for out of home right now.
Conversations for the industry are getting easier. You know, being able to have conversations like this, and as people are looking for information about out of home, to be able to hear from people that are from outside about a home, which is a lot of people that are looking at it, maybe for the first time to be wanting to say, Hey, listen, I get it.
That seems like this crazy thing, but it's kinda like this thing that you've already been doing, in fact, it's way cooler. It's like awesome. Come drink. The Kool-Aid it's really a lot of fun. You should stay awhile. Like it's pretty, it's pretty great time to be in out of home. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. It's a very exciting time.
I think again, the numbers keep showing there is going to grow, even though, like I said, I'd be rolling around the rates is actually before. Uh, the demand goes up. That will be great. That's just see that happening because, uh, I think he needs an adjustment, but instead is going to keep growing because it does.
That's where you want to be. You want to be out or you don't want to, you know, if you think, if you saying that you, you have marketing budget and you don't do the outdoor, you missing a coupon. And then if you think that your people, because you get a report or social media that people actually saw your ad.
You don't know because it's in the same that you're doing, I'm doing, I'm not a CNET
and I have to wait for it. So why wait for the data? And I'd go, yes, honey. You know, okay, let me continue. My, and that's why I love what you said the other day when we spoke. And you said out of home is kind of just like that, right? Except our drives to places, our commute to work is our news. And rather than being interrupted with my, you know, aunt Joe's cat, or, you know, what you had for lunch, I'm just driving.
And then I'm being entertained by this advertising that I see and interact with every day. What else are you worse than you don't want me? I'm going to tell you what is the biggest problem for us is that. Oh, no led screens. We get a ton of people all the time. Love your dog. I have mine here. I got a ton of people all the time.
Um, they're taking pictures of the screens, right? Picture over ABB screen for that camera. It's if you don't know how to do it, it's going to show lines.
People take pictures and then they go back and they want to see what it is. Something that you can see or not. So trying to pull up sort of like a one-on-one guy, how to take a quick picture of the truck, because that should be available. That's a cool campaign that teach people how to take pictures. If you see somebody taking pictures, show them.
So that can actually. You know, who I'm having outta here next week is Stedman Cleveland from the two die app. Have you seen this yet? I'm going to ask him about this because he's got an app called and my understanding of it. Cause I've got a broken old Android device. It's only available on the iPhone.
Maybe you try this, this to die hap anyway. It's like the Shizam for billboards. Yeah. You pointed at the billboard and it does something. So if you've got the iPhone, you got doubt T a D a w I think they've got a campaign you're going to LA right? He's got a campaign in LA, I think right now I will connect you as soon as we're actually, you know what, while you're downloading it.
T a D a w
No, a C T a D a.
Oh, maybe, maybe I there's a link. Um, maybe some data said it to me. That would be great. You see this, the things he'd know, Baden things, things like that. These guys are going to start coming out of these two startups. Like I love the startup environment. I wasn't a startup. We wouldn't load into technology.
Uh, it's technology was going to make a difference on how we buy me. You know, and, and, you know, ops like this genius ideas, that's, what's going to happen. That's what people is going to actually come out and say, wow, let's do this, this, you know, it's going to change the landscape. It's so fun about doing this for me is being the billboard guy in Eastern Pennsylvania is awesome.
But I'm getting so exposed to just a ton more, and I'm able to expedite that down to like my A's and sort of give them pieces as I hear conversations. So like hopefully other organizations use this show for the same type of purpose. Hey, let me distill a whole lifetime of experience into an hour, an hour and 15 minutes and let's play pieces out.
That we find this specially valuable. So hopefully that's happening, hopefully that continues to happen. And, uh, whatever you need next off, you know, again, so hope, I mean, wait for that. When you're going to love that one, actually this in a way it's just so crazy. I'm sharing it with everyone. Like I've got my son this weekend and he thinks that he's turning seven in April.
He's going to turn seven the day after. Getting back from and you thinks billboards are super cool now and, uh, yeah. He's going to be super excited. Yeah. Yeah. But I think it was a great idea. I just think this picture, because again, we'd like to support everybody. We'd like to work with every single body out there, you know?
And then, uh, yeah, we have some, have some, some people would see us as a friends rather than competitors, and then they want us to give some friends, the friendship guys, you know, this is, so is. So I support each other and being a better industry, you know? Sure. Or if so, wants to support, reach out, connect with you.
What's the best way to do that. You're, you're active on a couple of social channels. Give us all of that, uh, information. I'll make sure to have it in the show notes. Thank you. So our website dot com a new website coming up is going to be sick. Sick. Say, got it. 2020 companies is going to be sick. Instagram media.
They want to see some of the cool stuff that we're doing. We should be more active on Instagram, we're building stuff. And then, um, my LinkedIn, Jonathan to lattice anything in my cell phone, (917) 224-3633, always answered the phone or send me a text. I'm always on it. So yeah, reach out at any time. Even if they have a question, it doesn't have to be just, you know, Porches booking a campaign.
You know, even when I talk, you know, the business, whatever it is, you know, more than happy to, to talk to anybody. Absolutely. And Jonathan is a wealth of information and like he said is more than happy to give it. So take him up on those offers. I've learned so much in just the past couple of days of getting to know him.
And obviously the time that we've all spent here together, I can assure you, this is not the last time. And we have Jonathan on. So for the out-of-home inside of show, I'm Tim, my man, Jonathan from led truck media. Thank you so much. If this has been helpful, share it with somebody else that can benefit and we'll see you real soon.